Cdk8/19 knockout blocks spermatogenesis in mice. (A) H&E staining of prostate, epididymis and testes of iDKO mice and tamoxifen-treated control. 100X magnification (B) H&E staining of WT and iDKO seminiferous tubules. 400X magnification. (G) Sexual behavior and fertility of tamoxifen treated control, single KOs and iDKO male mice. (C) Time course of experiments. CDK8 iKO was activated by tamoxifen administration in males of 8-10 weeks old. Urogenital abnormalities became visible in two weeks. Spermatogenesis was analyzed by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence (IF) after 2, 8 and 20 weeks since activation. Single cell RNA sequencing was performed after 7 weeks of KO. (D) Western blot analysis of Cre/ERT2 (Cre+Tam), single (CDK8 iKO and CDK19 KO) and double (iDKO) knockout testes 2 months after tamoxifen injections. CcnC protein is absent in iDKO, but not single KO in the testes. pSTAT727 is independent of CDK8/19 KO. Stars mark nonspecific staining by CDK19 antibodies. (E) CDK8 and CDK19 IHC staining of testes sections, 200x (upper row) and 630x magnification (bottom row) showing staining in various types of testicular cells. (F-K). Flow cytometry analysis of CDK8/CcnC expression in different testicular cell types. Figures F and I show major CDK8 (50.68%) and CcnC populations (44.52%), figures G and J show that 1n (round, but not elongated spermatids), 2n and 4n cells can be CDK8 and CcnC positive, figures H and K indicate, not only cKit+ cells among 2n-4n can be CDK8 and CcnC positive.