(a) Cell-based transport assays for PepT2 WT (transfected with 0.5 µg, n=12, and 0.8 µg, n=46, of DNA per well), empty plasmid vector (n=12) and PepT2 H87A, D342A, S321A (n=24 each) and I135L (n=12) mutants, all transfected with 0.8 µg of DNA. Diagram shows transport as fluorescence in post-assay lysate divided by total protein concentration, normalised to the WT (0.8 µg) mean. Bars are mean values plus minus standard deviation, and swarm plots samples corresponding to individual wells. Single asterisk indicates p < 10−3, double asterisks p < 10−4 significance levels for difference compared to (weaker transporting, 0.5 µg-transfected) WT, as evaluated using a two-tailed t-test. (b) Western-blot showing expression levels of WT and mutant GFP-labelled PepT2, with an anti-GFP primary antibody. All mutants express at levels between the WT transfected with 0.5 µg and 0.8 µg plasmid DNA. Cleaved GFP is also visible at low molecular weight, at levels comparable for WT and mutants.