Microtubules are required for procentriole attachment to the nuclear membrane and efficient disengagement
(A) Cen2-GFP+ dynamics from G-stage to migration stage. Top line: time-lapse images showing perinuclear distribution of centrioles at G-stage (00:00); perinuclear disengagement of centrioles from deuterosomes (empty flowers) and parental centrioles (plain flowers, arrows) in a Cen2-GFP+ cell (4:30); release of centrioles from the nuclear membrane (6:30) for apical migration (from 10:00). Bottom line: profile view of the Cen2-GFP+ signal dynamics. Dotted white line outlines the nucleus identified by contrasting Cen2-GFP signal. dt=30min, scale bar, 5 µm. See Videos 7.
(B) Magnified view of a Cen2-GFP; mRuby-Deup1 flower dynamics in G-stage. White arrowheads indicate the procentriole-loaded deuterosomes migrating on the nuclear envelope; dotted white line outlines the nucleus identified by contrasting Cen2-GFP signal. dt=5s, scale bar, 2 µm. See Video 9.
(C) Quantification of the duration of the interaction between procentriole-loaded deuterosome and the nuclear envelope before D-stage in Cen2-GFP brain MCCs. Four independent experiments quantified, n=75 flower, n=8 cells analyzed. Error bars represent min to max ± median.
(D) Schematic representation of brain MCC differentiation depicting the timing of MT depolymerisation treatment. The eye shows the amplification stage monitored.”
(E) Immuno-reactivity of Deup1 on Cen2-GFP brain MCCs during G-stage, treated acutely with DMSO or Nocodazole (10µM, 4h). The nucleus is counter-stained with Hoechst. Scale bar, 5µm.
(F) Quantification of the percentage of tethered deuterosomes per G-stage cell in DMSO and Nocodazole (10µM, 4h). Four independent experiments quantified; n=75 deuterosomes in DMSO, n=31 deuterosomes in Nocodazole. Error bars represent mean ± SD; ****p<0,0001; Chi-2 test with Yates’ correction.
(G) Quantification of the proportion of procentrioles disengaging with a nuclear contact. Three independent experiments were quantified; n=98 flowers, n=8cells.
(H) Schematic representation of brain MCC differentiation depicting the timing of MT depolymerisation treatments. The eye shows the amplification stage monitored.
(I) Quantification of the proportion of D-stage cells per fields among amplifying cells under chronic DMSO and Nocodazole treatments (48h, 1µM and 5µM). At least three independent experiments were quantified, n=2626 DMSO cells, n=1483 Noco 1µM cells, n=909 Noco 5µM cells; error bars represent mean ± SD. ns, not significant; ****p<0,0001; non-parametric Mann Whitney test.
(J) Quantification of D-stage quality phenotype under chronic DMSO and Nocodazole (48h, 1µM). Total disengagement in black, partial disengagement in white. At least three independent experiments were quantified, n=35 DMSO cells analyzed, n=25 Noco 1µM cells analyzed. ****p<0,0001; Chi-2 test with Yates’ correction.
(K) Quantification of disengagement duration in Cen2-GFP brain MCCs under DMSO and acute Nocodazole treatment (10µM). Three independent experiments were quantified, n=16 DMSO cells analyzed, n=11 Noco 10µM cells analyzed. *p=0,0235; non-parametric Mann Whitney test.
(L) Representative movie of Cen2-GFP dynamics in D-stage of brain MCCs under DMSO and acute Nocodazole treatment (10µM). (t-1) represents the timepoint before drug treatments. At t+3h45, the DMSO cell centrioles are almost all disengaged while in Nocodazole 10µM, some flowers are not disengaged yet. At t+11h20, the control cell displays a regrouped patch of centrioles whereas Nocodazole cell shows some scattered centrioles that cover the whole surface of the cytoplasm. dt=5min; scale bar, 5 µm. See Video 12.