Inactivation of sGRNs raised bGRN activity and SP, both of which were reversed by Ih deficiency.
(A) The bGRN spiking was increased in response to the indicated bitters in sugar-ageusic Gr64af mutants. Ber: 0.5, Lob: 0.5, NMM: 2, Caf: 2 (i-type) and 0.09 (s-type), Umb: 0.1, TPH: 1 mM. * and ***: Student’s t-test, p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively. (B and C) Silencing by Kir2.1 (B), but not blocking chemical synaptic transmission (C), in sGRNs increased the spiking of bGRNs stimulated by 2-mM caffeine, which was reversed in Ihf03355 (B). #: Dunn’s, p<0.05. (D) Silencing sGRNs by Kir2.1 increased SP. #: Dunn’s, p<0.05. (E) The increased bGRN spiking in Gr64af was restored to WT levels by Ih deficiencies. Letters indicate significantly different groups (Tukey’s, p<0.05). Caffeine 2 mM was used (B, C and E). (F) Regardless of bristle type, SP was increased upon sGRN inactivation, which was reduced by Ih deficiencies. p-r: Dunn’s test, p<0.05. a-c: Welch’s ANOVA, Games-Howell test, p<0.05. Numbers in gray indicate the number of experiments.