Quantitative Behavioral Measurements with MarmoAAP
A) Quantification of average number of lever pulls performed per animal in Self-Reward and 1-sec Mutual Cooperation sessions. Red dashed line indicates the average number of trials collected per session from a sample of non-automated cooperative pulling paradigm experiments15,39–44. B) Event time series example from a Mutual Cooperation and Self-Reward session. Each bar represents a task-related event (tan: monkey 1 lever pull, brown: monkey 2 lever pull, blue: reward delivery). C) Metrics quantifying performance on MarmoAAP from six example sessions (3 Self-Reward, 3 Mutual Cooperation). Red diamond indicates the mean. Left: Success rate calculated as number of successful lever pulls divided by number of total lever pulls in a session. Middle: Rewards earned per working minute calculated as the average number of rewards earned in 60 seconds for cumulative time in a session in which a monkey had pulled a lever within 30 seconds of that time. Right: Inter-pull time calculated as the average amount of time between M1 and M2 lever pulls in a session. D) Example of DLC2 labeled video frame as marmosets perform cooperative pulling task. E) Quantification of gaze targets averaged across three example cooperation sessions. F) Example vocalizations captured during behavioral sessions. G) Peristimulus time histogram (mean +/− s.e.m.) of chirp vocalizations from one marmoset across Self-Reward (grey) and Mutual Cooperation (blue) sessions.