Impacts of excitotoxic lesion of striatal subregions on the acquisition of auditory discrimination
Rats were given intracranial injection of PBS or IBO solution into the aDLS (n = 8 for each injection), pVLS (n = 8 for each injection), or DMS (n = 7 for PBS injection, and n = 6 for IBO injection) before start of the single lever press task. (A-C) Representative images of NeuN immunostaining and individual schematic illustrations showing lesioned area in the aDLS (A), pVLS (B), or DMS (C). Dotted lines in the images indicate the range of the lesioned area. ac, anterior commissure; cc, corpus callosum; and LV, lateral ventricle. (D-F) Learning curves during the single lever press task in the groups injected into the aDLS (D, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,14] = 1.275, p = 0.278, day, F[1.512,21.171] = 26.281, p = 7.0 × 10-6, group × day, F[1.512,21.171] = 0.834, p = 0.418), pVLS (E, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,14] = 2.542, p = 0.133, day, F[1.547,21.658] = 40.183, p = 2.2 × 10-7, group × day, F[1.547,21.658] = 0.953, p = 0.380), or DMS (F, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,11] = 0.025, p = 0.876, day, F[1.205,13.252] = 14.818, p = 0.001, group × day, F[1.205,13.252] = 0.610, p = 0.478). (G-I) Learning curves during the auditory discrimination task in the groups injected into the aDLS (G, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,14] = 11.578, p = 0.004, day, F[2.805,39.274] = 60.733, p = 1.8 × 10-14, group × day, F[2.805,39.274] = 3.863, p = 0.018), pVLS (H, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,14] = 7.221, p = 0.018, day, F[3.646,51.041] = 51.794, p = 9.2 × 10-17, group × day, F[3.646,51.041] = 1.612, p = 0.190), or DMS (I, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,11] = 0.469, p = 0.507, day, F[2.677,29.452] = 48.860, p = 3.9 × 10-11, group × day, F[2.677,29.452] = 1.094, p = 0.362). (J-L) Changes in the proportion of the WSW or LSL strategy through the discrimination learning in the groups treated into the aDLS (J, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,14] = 13.451, p = 0.003, day, F[3.048,42.673] = 54.777, p = 9.1 × 10-15, group × day, F[3.048,42.673] = 3.288, p = 0.029 for the WSW; group, F[1,14] = 5.039, p = 0.041, day, F[3.866,54.119] = 14.578, p = 5.2 × 10-8, group × day, F[3.866,54.119] = 2.471, p = 0.057 for the LSL), pVLS (K, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,14] = 9.251, p = 0.009, day, F[3.206,44.881] = 47.168, p = 2.7 × 10-14, group × day, F[3.206,44.881] = 1.862, p = 0.146 for the WSW; group, F[1,14] = 0.762, p = 0.397, day, F[4.773,66.815] = 24.018, p = 1.9 × 10-13, group × day, F[4.773,66.815] = 1.338, p = 0.260 for the LSL), or DMS (L, two-way repeated ANOVA, group, F[1,11] = 0.703, p = 0.420, day, F[3.052,33.568] = 48.424, p = 2.3 × 10-12, group × day, F[3.052,33.568] = 0.846, p = 0.480 for the WSW; group, F[1,11] = 0.002, p = 0.965, day, F[3.442,37.866] = 13.787, p = 1.0 × 10-6, group × day, F[3.442, 37.866] = 0.581, p = 0.654 for the LSL). Data are indicated as the mean ± s.e.m., and individual data are overlaid (except for panels J–L). The anteroposterior coordinates from bregma (mm) are shown (A–C). Scale bars; 2 mm (A–C). *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01.