Theta sequences development was disrupted without FG-cells.
(A) Top, Example color-coded posterior probability distribution across time from a single lap. The running trajectory of the animal was indicated as white dashed line. Bottom, 4–12 Hz bandpass filtered theta rhythm. The beginning and end of theta sequences were indicated as red bars. (B) Examples of detected theta sequences decoded by 3 different decoders, all spikes from all cells (top, i.e. raw sequences), all spikes excluding those from FG-cells (middle, i.e. exFG-sequences) and all spikes excluding those from NFG-cells (bottom, i.e. exNFG-sequences). The white triangle indicates the animal’s current position. (C) Weighted correlations between time and decoded positions among three types of sequences. (D) Averaged decoded probabilities by 3 types of decoders over 63 cm centered by the animal’s current running position and 170 ms centered by the mid-time point of theta sequence for each lap, in a single recording session. (E) Weighted correlation of raw sequences was significantly increased with running laps (n=12 sessions). (F) The running speed did not change across laps. (G) The sweep-ahead structure of the exFG-sequences (red) was disrupted compared to that of exNFG-sequences (yellow). (H) The effect of excluding either FG-cells or NFG-cells on early (left) and late (right) development of theta sequences. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.