Wild type HeLa cells (WT) were treated with different cytoskeletal drugs to investigate their influence on the fingerprint parameters. a) Cytochalasin B (CytoB/CB) inhibits actin polymerization, Nocodazole (Nocoda/Noc) disturbs microtubule assembly and the combined treatment was used to disturb actin and microtubules simultaneously. b) The treatment with CB does not show a strong effect on the fingerprint parameters. c) Using Noc, intracellular activity in terms of E is strongly decreased while also the parameter B increases. d) The combined treatment shows a strong effect in decreasing intracellular activity E but also drastically softens the cytoplasm which is reflected in a decreased factor A. e,f,g) Change of fingerprint parameters in response to drug treatment. h,i,j) Effect of pharmacological treatment shown for the elastic modulus, loss modulus and effective energy