RiboD-PETRI Resolves Biofilm Heterogeneity and Identifies New Marker Genes.
(A-D) RiboD-PETRI data from 24-hour static biofilms of E coli (E coli 24h). (A) UMI counts per cell in RiboD-PETRI data of 24-hour static biofilms of E coli. Two replicates were screened for cells with UMIs between 100 and 2000, resulting in 1621 and 3999 cells, with median UMIs per cell of 283.5 and 239, respectively. (B) UMAP visualization of 24-hour static biofilms of E. coli, revealing two small populations of heterogeneous cells in clusters 2 and 3. (C) Inferred expression levels of marker genes from 24-hour static biofilms of E. coli across different clusters. (D) Enrichment pathways for marker genes in cluster 2, selected based on screening criteria of p-value < 0.001 and log2 fold change (FC) > 0.2. (E & F) Dot plot displaying scaled expression levels of marker genes in different clusters of E. coli in exponential phase (E) and E. coli in 24- hour static biofilms (F). These genes were markers of static E. coli biofilms in cluster 2, identified with screening criteria of p-value < 0.001 and logFC > 3. Dot size represents the percentage expression of the gene in the cluster, while color indicates the average expression level normalized from 0 to 1 across all clusters for each gene. (G & H) UMAP plots showing the distribution of pdel in single-cell data of E. coli in exponential phase (G) and E. coli in 24-hour static biofilms (H). Each dot represents a cell colored by normalized expression levels of genes. (I) Subcellular localization of Pdel-GFP. (J) c-di-GMP levels (R-1 score) in E. colicells with different PdeI-GFP expression levels (low or high) in 24-hour static biofilms. c-di-GMP levels are measured using the c-di-GMP sensor system15 integrated into E. coli cells. Scale bar, 2 μm. R-1 score was determined using the fluorescent intensity of mVenusNB and mScarlet-I in the system. The fluorescent intensity is measured by sorted by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). (K) Determination of cellular concentrations of c-di-GMP by HPLC-MS/MS in cells overexpressing Pdel under the control of arabinose promoter, with 0.002% arabinose induction for 2 h (n=3). (L) Localization of Pdel-high cells in the biofilm matrix. Cells expressing Pdel-BFP under the control of the pdel native promoter were grown in a glass-bottom cell culture dish and stained with SYTO™ 24 for bacterial DNA. (M & N) Heterogeneous expression of Pdel in single-cell data of E. coli in exponential phase (M) and E. coli in 24- hour static biofilms (N). Biofilm cells with high or low expression levels of Pdel-BFP were sorted by FACS. (O) Persister counting assay using 150 pg/ml ampicillin on cells with high or low expression levels of Pdel-BFP from 24h static biofilm E. coli, sorted by FACS. (P) Time-lapse images of the persister assay observed under a microscope. Static biofilm cells of the Pdel-GFP strain were spotted on a gel pad and treated with 150 μg/ml ampicillin in LB broth. lmages were captured over 6 hours at 37°C, followed by the replacement of fresh LB broth to allow persister cell resuscitation. Scale bar, 2 μm. Error bars represent standard deviations of biological replicates. Significance was ascertained by two-tailed Student’s t test. Statistical significance is denoted as *P <0.05, **P < 0.01, ***, P<0.001, ****, P<0.0001.