Phylogeny estimate of Belidae. Topology obtained from analysis of the 46t424g matrix via maximum likelihood (ML), partitioned by gene. Squares along branches are ML SH-aLRT and UFBoot values for 1–3: 1. partition by gene, 2. unpartitioned, and 3. partition by gene and codon positions. Astral support for 4, Quartet Concordance (QC) for 5, and gene concordance factor (gCF) for 6. Branches without squares indicate the highest support in all analyses. Taxa displayed on the right: a. Cyrotyphus vestitus (Agnesiotidini) (photo credit: Rolf Oberprieler), b. Pachyura australis (Pachyurini) (photo credit: Simon Grove), c. Isacanthodes ganglionicus (Belini) (photo credit: Rolf Oberprieler), d. Homalocerus sp. (Belini) (photo credit: Jeff Gruber), e. Rhinotia sp. (Belini) (photo credit: Rolf Oberprieler), f. Oxycraspedus cribricollis (Oxycorynini, Oxycraspedina) (photo credit: Adriana Marvaldi), g. Oxycorynus missionis (Oxycorynini, Oxycorynina) (photo credit: Adriana Marvaldi), h. Rhopalotria slossoni (Oxycorynini, Allocorynina) (photo credit: Shayla Salzman).