Both chemogenetic activation and ablation of Purkinje cells modify postural stability.
(A) Sample image of a freely-swimming zebrafish larva imaged from the side. Inset shows the larva at higher magnification view and its pitch, defined as the angle between the horizon (straight line) and the long axis of the body (dashed line). Scale bars 1mm. (B) Pitch angle (posture, top) and speed (bottom) as a function of time for one recorded epoch. Individual swim bouts (speed > 5 mm/s threshold) are highlighted in grey (arrows). (C) Timecourse for activation experiments between 7–9 dpf. Larvae received 1 µM of capsaicin in 0.2% DMSO twice on days 8&9 for 6h each. (D) Timecourse for lesion experiments; larvae received a single dose of 10 µmM capsaicin in 0.2% DMSO for 1h on day 8. (E) Climbs are defined as a bout where the trajectory at peak speed took the fish nose-up (>0°). (F) Probability distribution of climb postures for control (black) and 1 µM capsaicin treated larvae (yellow). Data is shown as median and inter-quartile range. (G) Average climb posture of control and activated larvae (8 repeats/149 control fish; 8 repeats/155 1 µM capsaicin treated fish; climb postures: 14.7° [14.0 – 15.4°] vs. 19.0° [18.5 – 19.7°], p-value < 0.001, effect size: 29%, Wilcoxon rank sum test). (H) Probability distribution of climb postures for control (black) and 10 µM capsaicin treated larvae (red). Data is shown as median and inter-quartile range. (I) Average climb posture of control and lesioned larvae (14 repeats/110 control fish; 14 repeats/120 10 µM capsaicin treated fish; climb postures: 10.0° [9.5 – 10.7°] vs. 13.6° [13.1 – 14.3°], p-value < 0.001, effect size: 36%, Wilcoxon rank sum test). (J-N) Same as E-I, but for dive bouts (trajectory that took the fish in the nose-down direction). (L) Average dive posture of control and activated larvae (8 repeats/149 control fish; 8 repeats/155 1 µM capsaicin treated fish; dive postures: -16.6° [-16.9 – -16.1°] vs. -20.5° [-20.9 – -20.1°], p-value < 0.001, effect size = 24%, Wilcoxon rank sum test). (N) Average dive posture of control and lesioned larvae (14 repeats/110 control fish; 14 repeats/120 10 µmM capsaicin treated fish; dive postures: -11.7° [-11.9 – -11.5°] vs. -11.2° [-11.4 – -11.0°], p-value = 0.002, effect size = -4%, Wilcoxon rank sum test). Unless otherwise indicated data are shown as median with 95% confidence interval, * indicates p-value < 0.05 and effect size ≥ 15%