Figures and data

Overview of the male adult nerve cord (MANC).
A. Orientation schematic showing a ventral view of the adult male Drosophila central nervous system. The ventral nerve cord (VNC) can be roughly divided into three thoracic neuromeres (T1, T2, T3) and the abdominal neuromeres (ANm). The thoracic neuromeres contain serially repeating neuropils controlling the three pairs of legs. T2 includes additional circuitry dedicated to flight. Number of neurons with cell bodies in the central brain are current estimates from FlyWire-FAFB (Schlegel et al., 2023). Cartoon legs and wings not to scale. B. Cartoon overview of the broad classes of neurons in the VNC including their overall and neuromere-specific neuron counts in this dataset.

Overview of key features in MANC.
A. Overview of the neuropils in the ventral nerve cord. The left-hand side leg neuropils are removed in the lateral view. B. Overview of the nerves in the ventral nerve cord. C. Projected cross section of half of the mesothoracic neuromere (T2) depicting the array of neuroblasts that divide to produce hemilineages in the embryo and/or postembryonically. Insect embryonic neuroblasts (e.g., 1-1) were named for their row and column of delamination (Bate, 1976; Doe and Goodman, 1985) whilst postembryonic neuroblasts (e.g., 16) were assigned sequential numbers based on their observed progeny in Drosophila (Truman et al., 2004). Embryonic and postembryonic neuroblasts were eventually matched (Birkholz et al., 2015; Lacin and Truman, 2016), but both nomenclature systems are still in use. Bolded circles denote novel matches proposed in our study. A subset of neuroblasts do not survive to produce postembryonic progeny; “/” indicates that embryonic progeny were identified in this study while “X” indicates that they were not. D. Overview of neuroblast (NB) division into ganglion mother cells (GMC) prior to differentiation into two hemilineages. Primary neurons are born in the embryo followed by early secondary and finally secondary neurons. Cartoon icons by DBCLS ( were identified via and reproduced under E. Most secondary neurons in a hemilineage share the same neurotransmitter prediction (Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023). F. Hemilineages are serially repeated along the segments of the nerve cord. This provides a basis for identifying serially homologous neurons, which are concentrated in the six leg neuropils. Note that the T1 neuropils are rotated outwards relative to the T2 and T3 neuropils. Hemilineages innervating dorsal neuropils (e.g., 11B) exhibit more variation in survival and morphology between segments.

Systematic cell typing schemes for each broad cell class.
A. Descending neurons are assigned a systematic type composed of the prefix “DN” followed by an abbreviation for the target VNC neuropil and a number consistent for members of their cell type. Their entry nerve (CvC) and root side are used to denote the instance. B. Motor neurons are assigned a systematic type composed of the prefix “MN” followed by the subclass (an abbreviation for the target muscle category) and a number consistent for members of their cell type. Their exit nerves are used to denote the instance. C. Sensory neurons are assigned a systematic type composed of the prefix “SN” (if not ascending) or “SA” (if ascending) followed by an abbreviation for their assigned modality and a number consistent for members of their connectivity cluster. Their entry nerve is used to denote the instance. D. Intrinsic neurons and ascending neurons are assigned a systematic type composed of the prefix “IN” or “AN” followed by their assigned hemilineage and a number consistent for members of their connectivity cluster. Their soma neuromere and side are used to denote the instance. E. Efferent neurons are assigned a systematic type composed of the prefix “EA” (if they ascend to the brain) or “EN” otherwise followed by their assigned hemilineage and a number consistent for members of their connectivity cluster. Their soma neuromere and side are used to denote the instance.

Glossary of annotation terms.
Annotation field names are bolded and shown against a white background whilst the associated field values are shown against a grey background. Note that compound field names are presented in the snake_case format (e.g., entry_nerve) used in Clio Neuroglancer whereas Neuprint employs the camelCase format (e.g., entryNerve).
Table 1 - video 1. Using Clio Neuroglancer with the plain option to retrieve neurons by annotation (2:37). Navigate to and select workspace “annotate” and the desired segmentation volume. On the right side click the “BODIES” tab to bring up the annotation fields. Using the plain option, type your query enclosed in curly brackets, with quotation marks around the field name, a colon, and quotations around the desired field value. Then click on the magnifying glass icon to retrieve all bodies matching your criteria. You can use the Fields checklist to hide or display particular fields for your neurons of interest. Now you can filter the list by typing into the fields. For example, let’s compare the FeCO claw neurons in the right mesothoracic entry nerve. Pressing the flashlight icon will display all listed neurons in random colours. I’ll remove the tissue layer and add the neuropil layer so that it’s easier to see where the neurons are positioned within the leg neuropil. To compare the two different types of FeCO claw neurons, we could select a few neurons from each type and assign them to a specific colour, like this. Let’s right-click on the segmentation layer, go to the Seg. section, and copy-paste the respective bodyids into the Neuroglancer window. This is so that they won’t be lost when we select more neurons to display. Now clear the first selection, select neurons from the other type, and assign these to a different colour. We can then click on the saved neurons to view both of them at the same time. Note that when using this method to query for a numerical field value - for example, the bodyid, group, serial, or subcluster fields - you need to enclose the number in square brackets instead of in quotation marks, like this. If we now remove the previous filters, we can view all examples of a given serial set.
Table 1 - video 2. Using Clio Neuroglancer with the structured option to retrieve neurons by annotation (2:41). Navigate to and select workspace “annotate” and the desired segmentation volume. On the right side click the “BODIES” tab and select the structured option. Type your desired annotation fields and values into the query boxes, clicking the “+” symbol to add them - for example, hemilineage “14A” and serial_motif “independent leg”. Once you’ve added your criteria, click on the magnifying glass icon to retrieve the corresponding bodies. To customise the displayed information, use the Fields checklist to select fields of interest. You can also add filters for specific characteristics. For example, to visualise neurons from a specific serial set, such as “10424” (Figure 11A), type the number into the serial field and click the flashlight icon. Now right-click on the segmentation layer, go to the Seg. section, and copy-paste the respective bodyids into the Neuroglancer window. Then you can colour the neurons as you like. For example, filter for soma_neuromere “T1”, click to select those bodyids, set their colour to green and highlight the selected neurons. You can repeat the same process for the other thoracic neuromeres, colouring T2 neurons in blue and T3 neurons in magenta. Then click on the saved list to visualise all of the neurons together. We recommend removing the “all-tissue” layer and selecting the “neuropil” layer to get a clearer view of the neuropils innervated by your neurons. Note that to search for a specific serial set directly, you could instead use the structured option by simply typing serial and the number into the query boxes.

Neurons with suspected electrical or neurosecretory transmission.
A. The 185 intrinsic neurons with the lowest presynaptic density by volume are enriched for types with electrical or neurosecretory transmission. AVG = average number of presynapses per voxel for all intrinsic neurons. B. Candidate electrical and neurosecretory neurons are produced by specific hemilineages. C. Example of an electrical neuron, PSI (group 11446). D. Examples of putative electrical neurons (groups 20924 and 12943). E. Examples of a neurosecretory neuron (serial 11170). F. Examples of putative neurosecretory efferent neurons (group 10985) and intrinsic neurons (serial 10083).

Subclasses of ANs and INs.
VNC innervation of ascending neurons and intrinsic neurons. A. First letter of the subclass reflects if the neuronal arbour is Ipsilateral, Contralateral, Bilateral or not eXisting in the VNC. The second letter indicates if it is Ascending to the brain, Restricted to one neuropil in the VNC or Interconnecting different neuropils in the VNC. B. Single neuron inputs and outputs to VNC neuropils separated by subclass. Arrows pointing to a group of IR subclass neurons that receive all their input and give all their output to the front left leg neuropil. C. Example images for neurons of different subclasses.

Subclass defined by ipsi and contralateral innervation of the VNC.
A. Total number of synapses ipsilateral and contralateral for each neuron of a given subclass. Colours correspond to bilateral (magenta), no synapses (yellow), ipsilateral (green), contralateral (blue). B. description of the two-letter code of the subclass. The first letter refers to the laterality and the second if a neuron is ascending, restricted to one neuropil or interconnecting VNC neuropils.

Information flow.
Neurons within and projecting between neuropils. A. Primary origin and target of ascending (left) and intrinsic neurons (right). Top panels show all neurons and lower panels show all that do not have the same primary origin and target fields (shown in grey). B. Example images of ANs projecting between neuropils. C. Example images of INs projecting between neuropils. D. Illustration of the number of intrinsic neurons restricted to one neuropil ipsilaterally (green) or contralaterally (blue), neurons with origin and target in the same leg neuropil shown in the right top panel in A. E. Illustration of the number of neurons bilaterally restricted to one neuropil (in magenta). Numbers within the dotted neuropil schematic have 80% of their input and output in that area. Arrows indicate neurons that are projecting, having > 60% input in a different neuropil than > 60% of their output. Double arrows show neurons that connect neuropils almost evenly. F. Number of neurons interconnecting leg or upper tectulum neuropils on just one hemisphere. Numbers showing ipsilateral in green and contralateral numbers in blue.

Neuropil innervation by hemilineage.
A. The average proportion of input to each hemilineage from VNC neuropils as a percentage. B. The average proportion of output from each hemilineage to VNC neuropils as a percentage. C. The average input to neuropils subtracted from the average output to that neuropil. Magenta (positive numbers) represent more output and green (negative numbers) represent more input to that neuropil by a given hemilineage. For neuropils that do not receive any input or output see Figure 7 - figure supplement 1. D. INs and ANs by their primary input neuropil (origin) in the VNC. If there is more than one origin neuropil it is included in multi. E. INs and ANs by their primary output neuropil (target) in the VNC. If there is more than one target neuropil or a muscle target outside of the VNC it is included in multi. F. Examples of types that project between neuropils, partially responsible for the differences seen in C (origin and target neuropils are coloured). Hemilineages order on the y axis is organised by the innervation heatmap that is shown in A and reused for the heatmaps in B,C,D and E.

Neuropil innervation by hemilineage with differences in the leg and upper tectulum neuropils.
A. The average proportion of input to each hemilineage from VNC neuropils as a percentage. B. The average proportion of output from each hemilineage to VNC neuropils as a percentage. C. The average input to neuropils subtracted from the average output to that neuropil. Magenta (positive numbers) represent more output and green (negative numbers) represent more input to that neuropil by a given hemilineage. Neuropils that do not receive any input or output from a given hemilineage are coloured in light grey.

Pairwise comparisons of selected secondary hemilineages.
A. 01B (blue, gabaergic) vs 04B (dark orange, cholinergic). B. 03B (blue, gabaergic) vs 12A (dark orange, cholinergic). C. 07B (marine, cholinergic) vs 08B (dark orange, cholinergic). D. 08A (dark orange, glutamatergic) vs 16B (marine, glutamatergic). E. 13B (blue, gabaergic) vs 14A (dark orange, glutamatergic). F. 20A.22A (dark orange, cholinergic) vs 21A (marine, glutamatergic).

Hemilineage overview.
A. 09A and 09B secondary neurons in a postembryonic neuroblast clone generated in T2 RHS. B. 09A and 09B secondary neurons in T2 RHS identified in MANC from light-level images, coloured by predicted neurotransmitter. C. All 09A and 09B neurons in T2 RHS identified in MANC, coloured by predicted neurotransmitter. E. Predicted fast-acting neurotransmitters for all VNC neurons (Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023) by hemilineage and neuromere (neurons of TBD/unknown hemilineage have been omitted, and abdominal neuromeres have been pooled). F. Glutamatergic hemilineage 09B includes a minority cholinergic population. G. Gabaergic hemilineage 19A includes a minority cholinergic population. H. Intra-neuromere, inter-hemilineage synaptic connectivity for the three thoracic neuromeres (T1, T2, T3). Dot size correlates with number of synaptic connections, and dot colour reflects predicted neurotransmitter of upstream hemilineage (Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023).

Early born neurons are more likely to express minority neurotransmitters.
A. Proportion of fast-acting neurotransmitter expression predicted (Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023) for all neurons assigned to a hemilineage, faceted by birthtime. B. Proportion of fast-acting neurotransmitter expression predicted for intrinsic neurons assigned to a hemilineage (with putative electrical and neurosecretory transmission excluded), faceted by birthtime. Asterisks indicate neurons with consistent expression of a minority neurotransmitter, enriched in early born neurons.

Intra-neuromere hemilineage synaptic connectivity across thoracic neuromeres (T1, T2, T3).
Dot size correlates with number of synaptic connections, and dot colour reflects predicted neurotransmitter of upstream hemilineage (Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023).

Summary of the anatomical organisation of synapses for each hemilineage originating in T2 RHS.
A. Side and ventral views illustrating the neuropils surveyed: T2 Leg Neuropil (LNP), medial ventral association center (mVAC), ovoid (Ov), wing tectulum (WTct), lower tectulum (LTct), and Intermediate tectulum (IntTct). The orange dashed line shows the approximate location of the transverse section onto which their synapses have been projected. B. Template transverse section with major neuropils labelled and axes for orientation. C. Projected synapses for T2 RHS neurons of each hemilineage. Top (blue): postsynapses, connections to upstream neurons. Bottom (orange): presynapses, connections to downstream neurons. 21X is only observed in T1.

Birth order during development.
A. Cartoon of birthtime development. Primary neurons are born during embryogenesis while secondaries are born during larval life. At metamorphosis primary neurons die or remodel while secondary neurons continue to elaborate. B. 02A T1 RHS primary neurites, coloured by birthtime. C. 02A T1 RHS neuron meshes, coloured by birthtime. D-F. Data is shown only for neurons originating in thoracic neuromeres; * indicates primary-only hemilineages. D. Neurons with larger somas were assigned to earlier birthtimes. D’. Primary and early secondary neurons are larger than secondary neurons. E. Counts of primary, early secondary, and secondary annotations for all VNC origin neurons with annotated hemilineage. Inset is frequency of birthtime amongst all annotated neurons. F. Comparative representation of each subclass between primary and secondary neurons within each hemilineage. Pink values have a higher percentage representation in the primary population than secondary, and vice-versa for blue, while black represents equal percentage abundance. White cells have no neurons with that subclass in that hemilineage. For more details, see Methods.

Identification of serially homologous neurons.
A. Example of a manually identified serial set, serial 10424. B. Iterative serial homologue prediction and annotation procedure. Briefly, identified serial homologues were used as seeds for graph matching by Fast Approximate Quadratic Assignment Problem solver (graspologic) (Chung et al., 2019). Predicted matches were subjected to automated validation for consistency across sides and neuromeres, producing candidate serial matches which were manually reviewed for shared features including class, hemilineage, morphology, and predicted neurotransmitter. Those confirmed were annotated and used as seeds for the next round of predictions. Please see Methods for further details. C. Once an initial corpus of serial homologues was identified, clustering of serial cosine connectivity similarity scores was highly effective at revealing/confirming serially homologous types. The selected sub-heatmap shows three such groups from hemilineage 14A with a strong diagonal structure consisting of three blocks of 6 neurons, one for each side/neuromere. D. Selected examples of serial seeds from various hemilineages. Neuron meshes have been coloured by soma neuromere and side RHS/LHS (DN = red/dark red, T1 = green/dark green, T2 = cyan/blue, T3 = pink/magenta). E. Heat maps showing consistency of mutual all-by-all connectivity across hemispheres and neuromeres for thoracic serial homologues.

Classification of serial sets into motifs.
Neuron meshes have been coloured by soma neuromere and side RHS/LHS (DN = red/dark red, T1 = green/dark green, T2 = cyan/blue, T3 = pink/magenta). A. Independent leg serial set 10168. B. Dorsal serial set 12896. C. Ascending serial set 11307. D. Sequential (ascending or descending to the next neuromere) serial sets 10588 and 13469. E. Convergent serial set 10052. F. Centripetal serial set 10393. G. Centrifugal serial set 10807. H. Complex serial set 10142. I. Number of neurons assigned to each serial motif, coloured by predicted neurotransmitter (Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023).

Proportions of neurons from each serial motif predicted to express a given neurotransmitter
(Eckstein et al., 2023; Takemura et al., 2023).
Figure 12 - video 1. All thoracic examples of independent leg serial sets (1:19). Neuron meshes have been coloured by soma neuromere and side RHS/LHS (DN = red/dark red, T1 = green/dark green, T2 = cyan/blue, T3 = pink/magenta). To view this movie at a preferred speed, we recommend downloading the video and using a player with more control such as iMovie.
Figure 12 - video 2. All thoracic examples of other annotated serial motifs (0:42). Neuron meshes have been coloured by soma neuromere and side RHS/LHS (DN = red/dark red, T1 = green/dark green, T2 = cyan/blue, T3 = pink/magenta). To view this movie at a preferred speed, we recommend downloading the video and using a player with more control such as iMovie.

Typing of intrinsic neurons by connectivity.
A. Schematic describing how the raw adjacency matrix of connectivity between individual neurons can be simplified by aggregating connectivity of homologous neurons; this is possible both for left-right homologues and for serial homologues (diagrammed here for 6 thoracic neurons). B. Example of consistency of independent connectivity clustering of each side of a hemilineage, 09B. The adjusted mutual information (AMI) between sides’ increasingly granular clusters is shown between the corresponding dendrograms for each side. Peak consistency chosen to select clusters for systematic types is indicated by a yellow cross and dashed line. Heatmaps display cosine distance between the serially aggregated connectivity for each neuron set. Lines between the heatmaps indicate neurons whose terminal position in each side’s cluster dendrogram differs, shaded by the distance of this difference. C. Density histogram of the number of neurons and serial sets per clustered type in all hemilineages’ intrinsic, non-motor popular. See E for colour scale. D. Density histogram of the birthtime and subclass homogeneity of all types in C. See E for colour scale. E. Type seriality, as a histogram of number of types containing any neuron in each pair of neuromeres. Values are normalised by rows, to show relative distributions when population size differs. F. Example comparison of the inter-hemilineage variability of intra-hemilineage connectivity similarity structure. Each panel is a UMAP embedding the hemilineage’s symmetrized, serially aggregated connectivity cosine similarity, with each point representing a lateral group. Panels are coloured by neuromere, birthtime, and class as in all other figures. Types are coloured arbitrarily for visualisation. G. Heatmaps of symmetrized, serially aggregated connectivity cosine distance for the hemilineages in F. H. Normalised spectral radius versus number of neurons for all hemilineages. Hemilineages from F and G are labelled.

Synaptic organisation by secondary hemilineage.
Summary of the anatomical organisation of synapses for secondary neurons in each hemilineage originating in T2 RHS. A. Side and ventral views illustrating the neuropils surveyed: T2 Leg Neuropil (LNP), medial ventral association center (mVAC), ovoid (Ov), wing tectulum (WTct), lower tectulum (LTct), and Intermediate tectulum (IntTct). The orange dashed line shows the approximate location of the transverse section onto which their synapses have been projected. B. Template transverse section with major neuropils labelled and axes for orientation. C. Projected synapses for T2 RHS neurons of each hemilineage. Top (blue): postsynapses, connections to upstream neurons. Bottom (orange): presynapses, connections to downstream neurons. 21X is only observed in T1.

Hemilineage 00A.
A. Meshes of all secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given neuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: glutamatergic subcluster 21723. Bottom: serial set 11979. D. Predicted synapses of secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 00A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 00A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on their predicted neurotransmitters: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 00A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 00A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 00A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 00A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 00A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 00A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 00A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 00A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 00A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 01A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: sequential serial set 10039. Bottom: contralateral independent leg serial sets 12457 and 13010. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 01A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 01A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 01A, continued. Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 01A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 01A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 01A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 01A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 01A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 01A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 01A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 01A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 01B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: independent leg serial set 12532. Bottom: cholinergic ascending serial set 12577. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 01B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 01B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 01B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 01B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 01B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 01B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 01B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 01B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 01B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 01B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 01B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 01B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 01B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 01B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 01B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 02A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: sequential serial set 10193. Bottom: cholinergic, contralateral independent leg serial set 13011. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Developmental aberration in MANC of 02A neurons in RHS T2.
Most 02A RHS somas (large, cyan) have been displaced laterally from their expected position adjacent to the midline (inset), but their gross dendritic and axonal morphologies appear normal when compared to their LHS counterparts (small, blue).

Systematic typing of hemilineage 02A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 02A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 02A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 02A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 02A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 02A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 02A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 02A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 02A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 02A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 02A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 03A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: sequential serial set 10262. Bottom: sequential subcluster 15430. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 03A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 03A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 03A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 03A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 03A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 03A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 03A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 03A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 03A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 03A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 03A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 03A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 03A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 03A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 03A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 03B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: motor neuron serial set 11663 (DVMn). Bottom: putative electrical subcluster 10042. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 03B.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 03B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, purple = A1.

Systematic types of hemilineage 03B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, purple = A1.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 03B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 03B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 03B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 03B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 03B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 03B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 03B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 03B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 04B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: ascending serial set 10394. Bottom: independent leg serial set 11945. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 04B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 04B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 04B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 04B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 04B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 04B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 04B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 04B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 04B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 04B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 04B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 04B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 04B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 04B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 04B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 05B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: dorsal serial set 12983. Bottom: complex serial set 11757. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 05B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 05B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 05B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 05B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 05B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 05B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 05B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 05B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 05B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 05B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 05B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 06A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: putative electrical subcluster 12112. Bottom: motor neuron subcluster 10204. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 06A.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 06A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 06A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 06A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: blue = T2, magenta = T3, purple = A1, red = A2, dark orange = A3, dark yellow = A4, green = A5.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 06A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 06A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 06A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 06A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 06A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 06A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 06A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 06A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 06A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 06A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 06A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 06A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 06B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: ascending serial set 10257. Bottom: centrifugal serial set 11261. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 06B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 06B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 06B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 06B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 06B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 06B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 06B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 06B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 06B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 06B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 06B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 07B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: glutamatergic convergent serial set 10306. Bottom: centrifugal subcluster 14004. D. Predicted synapses of secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from RHS secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 07B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 07B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 07B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 07B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 07B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 07B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 07B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 07B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 07B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 07B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 07B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 07B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 07B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 07B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 07B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 08A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: motor neuron groups 10178 and 10694. Bottom: dorsal subcluster 16785. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 08A.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 08A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green=T1, blue=T2, purple=A1.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 08A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 08A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 08A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 08A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 08A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 08A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 08A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 08A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Hemilineage 08B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: electrical n-CHINs and putative electrical cHINs, subcluster 10598. Bottom: intersegmental mVAC population, subcluster 10997. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 08B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 08B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 08B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 08B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 08B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 08B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 08B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 08B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 08B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 08B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 08B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 08B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 08B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 08B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 08B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 09A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: sequential serial set 11194. Bottom: mVAC-restricted independent leg serial set 14731. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 09A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 09A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 09A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 09A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 09A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 09A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 09A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 09A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 09A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 09A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 09A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 09A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 09A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 09A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 09A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 09B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: LHS neurons from bilateral, complex serial set 11491. Bottom: LHS neurons from contralateral, sequential serial set 17610. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 09B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 09B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 09B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 09B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 09B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 09B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 09B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 09B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 09B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 09B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 10B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: ascending serial set 15289. Bottom: complex serial set 11781. Bottom: LHS neurons from contralateral, sequential serial set 17610. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 10B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 10B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 10B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 10B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 10B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 10B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 10B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 10B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 10B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 10B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 10B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 11A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: electrical GFC4, subcluster 23460. Bottom: electrical GFC3, subcluster 17383. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 11A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 11A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 11A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 11A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 11A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 11A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 11A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 11A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 11A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 11A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Hemilineage 11B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: putative electrical subcluster 10326. Bottom: systematic type IN11B004 containing primary (pink), early secondary (green), and secondary (cyan) neurons. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 11B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 11B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 11B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 11B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 11B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 11B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 11B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 11B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 11B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 11B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Hemilineage 12A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: convergent serial set 10554. Bottom: convergent serial set 11769. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 12A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 12A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 12A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 12A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 12A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 12A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 12A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 12A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 12A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 12A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 12A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 12B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: independent leg serial 10370. Bottom: ascending mVAC serial 10208. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 12B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 12B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 12B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 12B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 12B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 12B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 12B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 12B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 12B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 12B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 12B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 12B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 12B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 12B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 12B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 13A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: sequential serial set 10655. Bottom: independent leg serial set 11077. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 13A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 13A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 13A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 13A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 13A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 13A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 13A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 13A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 13A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 13A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 13A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 13B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: group 11111. Bottom: independent leg serial 10116. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 13B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 13B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 13B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark orange = A3, dark yellow = A4.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 13B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 13B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 13B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 13B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 13B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 13B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 13B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 13B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 14A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: independent leg serial set 10019. Bottom: ascending serial set 10411. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 14A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 14A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 14A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 14A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 14A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 14A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 14A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 14A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 14A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 14A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 14A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 14A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 14A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 14A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 14A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 14A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 15B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: ltm1-tibia MN independent leg serial set 10811. Bottom: Ti flexor MN independent leg serial set 10710. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 15B.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for cluster, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 15B.
Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 15B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 15B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 15B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 15B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 15B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 15B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 15B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 15B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 16B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: T1 BR subclass. Bottom: motor neuron dorsal serial set 10011. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 16B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 16B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 16B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3.

Systematic types of hemilineage 16B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 16B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 16B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 16B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 16B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 16B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 16B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 16B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 16B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 16B econdary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 16B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 16B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 16B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 17A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: ascending serial set 11036 (T1-A1). Bottom: putative electrical subcluster 10629/dMS2. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 17A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 17A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 17A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 17A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 17A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 17A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 17A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 17A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 17A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 17A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 17A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 17A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 17A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 17A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 17A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 17A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 18B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: GFC1, electrical group 10228. Bottom: GFC2, electrical subcluster 13645. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 18B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 18B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 18B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 18B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 18B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 18B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 18B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 18B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 18B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 18B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Hemilineage 19A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: cholinergic sequential serial set 10173. Bottom: independent leg serial set 14080. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Ratios of connections from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 19A.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 19A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 19A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 19A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown. Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 19A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 19A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 19A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 19A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 19A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 19A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 19A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 19A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 19A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 19A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 19A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 19A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 19B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: primary ascending serial set 10016. Bottom: independent leg serial set 10715. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 19B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 19B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 19B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 19B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 19B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 19B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 19B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 19B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 19B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 19B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 19B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 19B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 19B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 19B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 19B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineages 20A and 22A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: independent leg serial set 10894. Bottom: T1 bilateral subcluster 11636. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 20A and 22A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineages 20A and 22A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineages 20A and 22A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 20A.22A early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 20A.22A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 20A.22A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 20A.22A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 20A.22A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 20A.22A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 20A.22A early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 20A.22A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 20A.22A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 20A.22A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 20A.22A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 20A.22A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 21A.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: independent leg subcluster 23565. Bottom: cholinergic population. D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 21A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 21A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 21A, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 21A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 21A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 21A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 21A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 21A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 21A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 21A primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 21A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 21A secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 21A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 21A secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 21A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineage 23B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: independent leg serial 12339 (T1-A1). Bottom: intersegmental complex serial 11371 (T1-A1). D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 23B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineage 23B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Systematic types of hemilineage 23B, continued.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on predicted neurotransmitter: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 23B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 23B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 23B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 23B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 23B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 23B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 23B primary and early secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 23B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 23B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 23B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 23B secondary systematic types, continued.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 23B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Hemilineages 24B and 25B.
A. Meshes of all RHS secondary neurons plotted in neuromere-specific colours. B. “Representative” secondary neuron skeletons plotted in hemineuromere-specific colours. The skeleton with the top accumulated NBLAST score among all neurons from the hemilineage in a given hemineuromere was used. C. Neuron meshes of selected examples. Top: Fe reductor MN independent leg serial 11226 (T1-T3). Bottom: Serial populations exiting T1 via ProLN (blue), VProN (magenta), and ProAN (green) (T1-T3). D. Predicted synapses of RHS secondary neurons. Blue: postsynapses; dark orange: presynapses. E. Proportions of connections from secondary neurons to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by neuromere and coloured by broad class. Numbers of query neurons appear in the centre. F. Proportions of synaptic weight from secondary neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineages 24B and 25B.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for cluster, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineages 24B and 25B.
Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 24B.25B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 24B.25B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 24B.25B secondary systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 24B.25B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Hemilineages with few or no associated secondary neurons.
A. Estimated birthtime by hemilineage and soma neuromere (neurons of unknown hemilineage have been omitted and all abdominal neuromeres have been combined). B. Octopaminergic hemilineage 00B. C. Cholinergic hemilineage 04A. D. Gabaergic/glutamatergic hemilineage 14B. E. Gabaergic hemilineage “17B”. F. Motor neurons from hemilineage “17X”. G. Motor neurons from hemilineage “18X”. H. Hemilineage “21X”. I. Motor neurons from hemilineages 20B, 21B, or 22B. J. Gabergic hemilineage “26X”. K. Putative neurosecretory hemilineage “27X”. Neuron meshes are coloured by soma neuromere and side (green: T1 RHS, cyan: T2 RHS, pink: T3 RHS, purple: A1 RHS).

Summary of the anatomical organisation of synapses for primary neurons in each hemilineage originating in T2 RHS.
A. Side and ventral views illustrating the neuropils surveyed: T2 Leg Neuropil (LNP), medial ventral association center (mVAC), ovoid (Ov), wing tectulum (WTct), lower tectulum (LTct), and Intermediate tectulum (IntTct). The orange dashed line shows the approximate location of the transverse section onto which their synapses have been projected. B. Template transverse section with major neuropils labelled and axes for orientation. C. Projected synapses for T2 RHS neurons of each hemilineage. Top (blue): postsynapses, connections to upstream neurons. Bottom (orange): presynapses, connections to downstream neurons. 21X is only observed in T1.

Connectivity heat maps for primary hemilineages 00B and 04A.
Ratios of connections from neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Connectivity heat maps for primary hemilineages 14B and 17B.
Ratios of connections from neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Connectivity heat maps for primary hemilineages 17X.18X and 20B.21B.22B.
Ratios of connections from neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Connectivity heat maps for primary hemilineages 21X, 26X and 27X.
Ratios of connections from neurons originating in each neuromere to upstream or downstream partners, normalised by row.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 00B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 04A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 05A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 14B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 15A.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 17B.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 17X and 18X.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for cluster, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 20B, 21B, and 22B.
Types for motor neurons were assigned separately as outlined in our accompanying manuscript (Cheong et al., 2023). A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for cluster, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 21X.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 26X.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic typing of hemilineage 27X.
A. Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of hemilineage groups by laterally and serially aggregated connectivity cosine clustering. B. Categorical annotations of each hemilineage group, each column corresponding to the aligned leaf in A. Colours for type, serial set, and group are arbitrary for visualisation. Colours for neuromere, birthtime, neurotransmitter, subclass, and class are as in all other figures. C. Similarity distance heatmap for hemilineage. Cosine distance is in the upper triangle, while laterally symmetrised NBLAST distance is in the lower triangle. Systematic type names of some types are labelled. D. Morphologically representative groups from dendrogram subtrees. Each group, indicated by colour and line connecting to its column in B and C, is the most morphologically representative group (medoid of NBLAST distance) from a subtree of A. The subtrees (flat clusters) are equal height cuts of A determined to yield the number of groups per plot and plots in D.

Systematic types of hemilineages 00B and 04A.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on their predicted neurotransmitters: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 00B and 04A systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 00B and 04A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 00B and 04A systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 00B and 04A neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Systematic types of hemilineages 14B and 17B.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on their predicted neurotransmitters: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 14B and 17B systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 14B and 17B have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 14B and 17B systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 14B and 17B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Systematic types of hemilineages 17X, 18X, and 20B.21B.22B.
Motor neurons (typed separately in (Cheong et al., 2023)) have been plotted by serial set if identified in multiple neuromeres and by systematic type if not. Individual motor neuron meshes have been coloured based on soma neuromere: dark green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 17X, 18X, and 20B.21B.22B systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 17X, 18X, and 20B.21B.22B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 17X, 18X, and 20B.21B.22B systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 17X, 18X, and 20B.21B.22B neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Systematic types of hemilineages 21X, 26X, and 27X.
Systematic types have been arranged in numerical order, with neurons of the same type that belong to distinct classes (e.g., intrinsic neuron vs ascending neuron) plotted separately but placed adjacent to each other. Individual neuron meshes have been coloured based on their predicted neurotransmitters: dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = gaba, marine = glutamate, dark purple = unknown.

Connectivity to upstream partners by 26X and 27X systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight to systematic types from upstream partners, normalised by row. 26X and 27X neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. Annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter for the neurons of each type.

Connectivity to downstream partners by 26X and 27X systematic types.
Proportions of synaptic weight from systematic types to downstream partners, normalised by row. 26X and 27X neurons have been clustered within each assigned birthtime window (P = primary, ES = early secondary, S = secondary) based on both upstream and downstream connectivity to hemilineages, descending neuron subclasses, motor neuron subclasses, and sensory neuron modalities. The annotation bar is coloured by the most common predicted neurotransmitter within each type.

Organisation of abdominal ganglia.
A. Cartoon schematic depicting VNC innervation by neurons originating in abdominal neuromeres. Abdominal neurons have no more than 5 synapses outside of the ANm, abdominal & thoracic neurons have at least 5% of synapses in the ANm and more than 5 synapses outside of the ANm, and thoracic neurons have less than 5% of synapses in the ANm. B. Quantification of abdominal neuron VNC innervation categories by soma neuromere. C. Examples of hemilineages identified in abdominal neuromeres (midline or RHS soma side only). Neuron meshes are coloured by soma neuromere: purple = A1, red = A2, dark orange = A3, dark yellow = A4, green = A5, cyan = A6, blue = A7, navy = A8, dark purple = A9, magenta = A10. D. Proportion of neurons assigned to a hemilineage for each soma neuromere. E. Proportion of neurons assigned to a serial set for each soma neuromere.

Proportion of neurons originating in each abdominal neuromere that innervate the abdominal (dark green), thoracic (yellow), or abdominal and thoracic neuromeres (light green).

Diversity levels by hemilineage.
Data is shown for secondary neurons in T1, T2, and T3 with a hemilineage assignment. A. Morphologic similarity between hemilineages (only considering secondary neurons). NBLAST (Costa et al., 2016) score was calculated as the mean of all distance scores (from 0 to 2) between each neuron in the query target and its most similar match in the target hemilineage. B. Percentage of neurons in each hemilineage annotated with each respective subclass. White cell indicates no neurons annotated with respective prefix within hemilineage. Hemilineages 15B and and 24B.25B are motor neuron only hemilineages. C. Depth at which a signal leaves the originating neuropil, or else reaches a motor or ascending neuron. Higher values indicate a signal is likely to spend more time in its respective neuropil before exiting. D. Mean global shortest path distance to and from all output and input neurons, respectively. Calculated via a breadth-first search. E. Load centrality (Newman, 2001) distributions of all secondary neurons in each hemilineage, subdivided by neuromere. Load centrality is the fraction of all shortest paths between each pair of neurons that go through a given node. F. Diversity coefficient (inspired by (Eagle et al., 2010), except with weights to hemilineage-in-a-hemineuromere communities instead of individual nodes) distributions for all secondary neurons in each hemilineage, subdivided by neuromere. Diversity coefficient was calculated via BCT (Rubinov and Sporns, 2010). Data shown here were measured via iGraph (Csárdi and Nepusz, 2006) and NetworkX (Hagberg et al., 2008) graph implementations of the VNC.

Roles in the VNC network differ by birthtime.
A-D. Data is shown only for VNC-origin neurons in T1, T2 and T3. A-A’. Key measures of centrality and insularity within the network, compared between primary and secondary neurons in the full graph, as well as in a network excluding primary intrinsic neurons. One community is defined as all neurons of a hemilineage with a soma in a hemineuromere (e.g. all neurons identified as hemilineage 19A that have somas in the left side of T2 would be one community). A. Key measures of centrality. A’. Key measures of community insularity and diversity. Higher values suggest a higher variety of connection to communities. Non-redundant community promiscuity is a measure of how essential an individual neuron is in connecting its community to others in the graph. Primary neurons are uniquely responsible for connecting their respective communities to 1 other community (on median). B. Normalised weighted rich-club coefficient across birthtimes. Inset shows the percentage occurrence of the three birthtimes in the rich-club. C. Contour plot of depth from and to input neurons (all SNs and DNs) and output neurons (all MNs and ANs), respectively, calculated via a breadth-first search. D. Distribution of mean depth where a received signal leaves the neuropil at which it originated. Higher values indicate a signal is likely to spend more time in its respective neuropil before exiting. Data shown here were measured via iGraph (Csardi et al., 2006) and NetworkX (Hagberg et al., 2008) graph implementations of the VNC, based on either the full dataset or a subset of the dataset without primary intrinsic neurons (referred to as “secondary only graph” in the figure).

Systematic typing of reconstructed sensory neurons.
A. Neuron features utilised for sensory neuron typing with a weighted nearest neighbour (WNN) approach included synaptic connectivity (synaptic outputs to individual neurons, synaptic outputs aggregated by hemilineage, synaptic inputs to individual neurons, synaptic inputs aggregated by hemilineage), morphology (inter-sensory neuron NBLAST scores), and graph measures (graph traversal distances). B. Depiction of typing process. i. Sensory neurons were initially clustered for each peripheral origin individually and individual nerve clusters were detected using HDBSCAN from a UMAP representation of the WNN output (Campello et al., 2013). ii. These clusterings were then utilised to inform a cut height of pan-region cosine clustering of synaptic connectivity onto serial neuron groupings.

Sensory cell type interconnectivity.
Annotation bars indicate modality and peripheral region for each type. Rows are the upstream systematic type, with columns being the downstream systematic type.

Sensory cell type interconnectivity, excluding intra-type connectivity.
Annotation bars indicate modality and peripheral region for each type. Rows are the upstream systematic type, with columns being the downstream systematic type.

Overview of sensory neurons by modality.
A. Plotted meshes of i. chemosensory neurons, ii. proprioceptive neurons, and iii. tactile neurons. B. Quantification of sensory neurons by assigned modality. C. Quantification of sensory neurons by modality, faceted by peripheral origin. D. i. Standard leg neuropil depiction, see Methods, of the regions innervated by sensory neurons of each modality. ii. Histogram showing the relative distribution of neuron innervation through the dorsal ventral axis. E. i. Standard dorsal neuropil depiction, see methods, of the regions innervated by sensory neurons of each modality. ii. Histogram showing the relative distribution of neuron innervation through the dorsal ventral axis.

Overview of sensory neuron targets by modality.
A. Proportion of inputs from sensory modalities to neurons implicated in direct sensory processing. B. Percentage of neurons from each class identified as directly sensory processing. VNC neurons = all VNC neurons (excluding sensory neurons), INs = intrinsic neurons, ANs = ascending neurons, and DNs = descending neurons. C. Proportion of neurons assigned to each modality for SN, sensory neurons, SA, sensory ascending neurons, NP, non ascending modality specific partners, AP, ascending modality specific partners. D. Number of downstream partners of each modality aggregated by expanded subclass: ascending (ANs), bilateral (connecting both hemispheres of the VNC), interconnecting (projecting across multiple neuromeres within a single hemisphere), and local (restricted to the hemi-neuromere associate to the entry nerve). E. Percentage breakdown for each modality of predicted neurotransmitter for ascending neurons implicated in direct sensory processing. F. Distance within a neck connective plane between neurons of the same region and modality vs. a randomised control of all ascending neurons. G. Cross-section of the neck connective displaying the positioning of ascending sensory neurons. Coloured by modality. G’. Cross-section of the neck connective displaying the positioning of ascending partners of sensory neurons. Coloured by modality. H.Heatmap showing normalised sensory neuron modality connectivity to hemilineage, DN groups, MN groups, and SN modalities in the VNC. Connectivity to neurons of undetermined hemilineage (TBD) have been omitted.

Sensory neuron targets.
Histogram of proportion of inputs to VNC neurons from sensory neurons. Dashed line represents the cutoff (0.30) used for classifying neurons as implicated in direct sensory processing.

Sensory neuron targets by modality.
A. Heatmap showing relative specificity of sensory associated downstream neurons with each modality within each region, normalised by total inputs for each downstream neuron. B. Dice coefficient for downstream modality within each region.

Proportion of downstream ascending neurons of each birthtime associated with each modality.
Pink = primary, green = early secondary and cyan = secondary.

Targeting of sensory ascending neurons and ascending neurons within the neck connective.
A. Sensory ascending neuron targeting within the neck connective, coloured by region of peripheral origin. A’. Distance within the plane between neurons of the same region and modality vs. a randomised control of all sensory ascending neurons. B. Ascending neuron targeting within the neck connective, coloured by region of peripheral origin. B’. Distance within the plane between neurons of the same region and modality vs. a randomised control of all ascending neurons. C. Sensory ascending neuron and ascending neuron targeting within the neck connective, coloured by region of peripheral origin. C’. Distance within the plane between neurons of the same region and modality vs. a randomised control of all sensory ascending neurons and ascending neurons.

Leg sensory neuron systematic types.
A. Anatomy of leg nerves (ventral view). B. Numbers of sensory neurons from each leg nerve. C. Proportions of downstream partners of leg sensory neurons, coloured by class. D. Plotted meshes of exemplar leg sensory types, coloured by assigned modality. E. Heatmap showing normalised sensory neuron cluster connectivity to hemilineages and other neuron subclasses in the VNC. Annotation bar displays annotated modality of component sensory neurons within the sensory neuron cluster.

Leg sensory neuron types.
Plotted meshes of neurons that comprise each systematic type from leg nerves, coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Leg sensory neuron types, continued.
Plotted meshes of neurons that comprise each systematic type from leg nerves, coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Leg sensory neuron type output connectivity by hemilineage.
Right annotation bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. Rows and columns are ordered based on hierarchical clustering of data.

Leg sensory neuron type input connectivity by hemilineage.
Right annotation bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. Rows and columns are ordered based on hierarchical clustering of data.

Leg sensory neuron type dendrograms showing combined inputs and outputs clustering.
A. Dendrogram showing combined clustering with intra-type connectivity included. B. Dendrogram showing combined clustering with intra-type connectivity excluded. Bottom bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Dorsal sensory neuron systematic types.
A. Anatomy of dorsal nerves (dorsal view). B. Numbers of sensory neurons from each dorsal nerve. C. Proportions of downstream partners of dorsal sensory neurons, coloured by class. D. Plotted meshes of exemplar dorsal types, coloured by assigned modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. E. Heatmap showing normalised sensory neuron cluster connectivity to hemilineages in the VNC. Annotation bar displays annotated modality of component sensory neurons within the sensory neuron cluster; orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Dorsal sensory neuron types.
Plotted meshes of neurons that comprise each systematic type from dorsal nerves, coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Dorsal sensory neuron types, continued. Plotted meshes of neurons that comprise each systematic type from dorsal nerves, coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Dorsal sensory neuron type output connectivity by hemilineage. Right annotation bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. Rows and columns are ordered based on hierarchical clustering of data.

Dorsal sensory neuron type input connectivity by hemilineage.
Right annotation bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. Rows and columns are ordered based on hierarchical clustering of data.

Dorsal sensory neuron type dendrograms showing combined inputs and outputs clustering.
A. Dendrogram showing combined clustering with intra-type connectivity included. B. Dendrogram showing combined clustering with intra-type connectivity excluded. Bottom bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Abdominal sensory neuron systematic types.
A. Anatomy of abdominal nerves (dorsal view). B. Numbers of sensory neurons from each abdominal nerve. C. Proportions of downstream partners of abdominal sensory neurons, coloured by class. D. Plotted meshes of exemplar abdominal types, coloured by assigned modality. E. Heatmap showing normalised sensory neuron cluster connectivity to hemilineages in the VNC. Annotation bar displays annotated modality of component sensory neurons within the sensory neuron cluster; orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Abdominal sensory neuron types.
Plotted meshes of neurons that comprise each systematic type from abdominal nerves, coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Abdominal sensory neuron type output connectivity by hemilineage.
Right annotation bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. Rows and columns are ordered based on hierarchical clustering of data.

Abdominal sensory neuron type input connectivity by hemilineage.
Right annotation bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown. Rows and columns are ordered based on hierarchical clustering of data.

Abdominal sensory neuron type dendrograms showing combined inputs and outputs clustering.
A. Dendrogram showing combined clustering with intra-type connectivity included. B. Dendrogram showing combined clustering with intra-type connectivity excluded. Bottom bar is coloured by modality: orange = chemosensory, purple = proprioceptive, cyan = tactile, grey = unknown.

Inter-regional associations between sensory cell types. Top.
Heatmap showing cosine similarity between the outputs of sensory cell types on serial neuron groups. Coloured annotation bars indicate the assigned modality of the sensory cell type and its region of peripheral origin, inner and outer bars respectively. Heatmap row and column ordering generated through travelling sales problem optimisation. Bottom. Exemplar cell type clusters indicated by dashed line boxes 1 and 6 in heatmap.

Cosine similarity between the outputs of sensory cell types (labelled) on serial neuron group.
Coloured annotation bars indicate the assigned modality of the sensory cell type and its region of peripheral origin, inner and outer bars respectively. Heatmap row and column ordering generated through travelling sales problem optimisation.

Highlighted cosine similarity clusters from Figure 58A.
Cluster numbers, systematic types, regional origins, and annotated sensory modalities are provided.

Chordotonal organ connectivity.
A. Chordotonal organ types clustered by connectivity to hemilineages. B. Neuron meshes for categories of femoral chordotonal organ (FeCO hook, FeCO claw, and FeCO club) from entry nerve ProLN_R. Cartoons depict leg movements detected by each neuron (after (Mamiya et al., 2018)). C. Effective connectivity from FeCO types to ipsilateral leg motor neuron targets. D. Relationship of FeCO hook and claw types to the tibia premotor circuit. Edges are coloured by predicted neurotransmitter. Premotor neuron types in D were grouped by similar connectivity to legMNs: IN17A061, INXXX466, IN19B003 (4_ACH_sets_2), IN08A005, IN08A007 (2_GLU_sets_2) and IN03A004, IN21A004, IN20A.22A023 (3_ACH_sets). The number in brackets indicates the number of neurons included in each node. E. Ipsilateral leg muscle targets for FeCO types, coloured by excitation (green), disinhibition (yellow), and inhibition (magenta).

FeCO leg motor circuits.
A. Effective connectivity to leg motor neuron targets. B. Effective connectivity to dorsal motor neuron targets. C. Ipsilateral leg muscle targets for FeCO types.

Campaniform sensilla connectivity.
A. Campaniform sensilla types clustered by connectivity to hemilineages. B. Plotted meshes of bilateral TrCS from MesoLN_L vs MetaLN_L. C. Effective connectivity of TrCS to leg motor neuron targets vs dorsal motor neuron targets. D. Relationship of TrCS (MesoLN and MetaLN only) to standard leg premotor circuit. E. Plotted meshes of non-motor elements in the TrCS circuit shown in D.

Hair plate connectivity.
A. Plotted meshes of hair plate types. B. Number of synaptic outputs of hair plate types onto intrinsic neurons (cyan) and ascending neurons (blue). C. Diagram displaying the principal downstream connections of leg hairplate types. D. Hair plate types clustered by connectivity to hemilineages. E. Effective connectivity to ipsilateral leg motor neuron targets. F. Effective connectivity to ipsilateral dorsal motor neuron targets. Layer legend is shared between E and F.

Hair plate effective connectivity.
A. Effective connectivity of selected hair plate types to ipsilateral and contralateral leg motor neurons. B. Effective connectivity of selected hair plate types to ipsilateral and contralateral dorsal motor neurons.

Tactile neuron types.
A. Principal regions of origin for tactile sensory neurons within the VNC. B. Heatmap showing downstream connectivity of tactile neurons to i. hemilineages, and ii. strongly associated downstream partner types, downstream partners shown receive a minimum of 5% of outputs from at least one regional group. C. i. Neuron plots showing type representatives from different positions and clusters. ii. Neuron plot showing overlap between SNta42 and SNta43 with a strong downstream partner (bodyid: 12405). D. Downstream connectivity of leg tactile sensory types. Row annotation displays relative position within the neuropil and the cluster from which these types were assigned (see methods). E. Quantification of intra-cluster distances from clustering outputs onto ascending and intrinsic neurons vs. a randomised control (p = 0.036). F. Relative positions of clusters within the standard leg neuropil. Colours are consistent to those indicated in C. G. Patterning of tactile clusters across the dorsal ventral axis. H. Relative bias towards intrinsic neuron connectivity for each cluster, broken down by birthtime.

Tactile neuron types.
A. Connectivity clustering of tactile types across all birthtimes (AN-P = ascending neurons, primary; AN-ES = ascending neurons, early secondary; AN-S = ascending neurons, secondary; IN-P = intrinsic neurons, primary; IN-ES = intrinsic neurons, early secondary; IN-S = intrinsic neurons, secondary). B. Quantification of intra-cluster distances from clustering outputs onto ascending and intrinsic neurons across all birthtimes vs. a randomised control (p = 0.12).

Adjusted dorsal-ventral axis methods.
A. Positioning within the standard leg neuropil of tactile (ta) and chemosensory (ch) leg-originating sensory neurons. Line (black) indicates the line of best fit through the data points. B. Demonstration of calculation of adjusted axes. Dorsal ventral distance is the distance along the line of best fit between the nearest point on the line for each neuron to the minimum point on the line (origin). The peripheral central distance is the distance from each datapoint to the line of best fit. C Replotted data points according to newly calculated axes. D Replotted data points showing the absolute value of the dorsal ventral axis used for data analysis.

Chemosensory neurons and a putative sweet taste circuit.
A. Chemosensory neurons originating in the legs, coloured by type. i. All types plotted in symmetrised volume, ventral view. ii. Close-up of neuropil in dotted rectangle, ventral view. iii. Rotation of selected neuropil to reveal type-specific layers. B. Chemosensory neurons originating in the wings, coloured by type. i. All types plotted in symmetrised volume, ventral view. ii. Close-up of neuropil in dotted rectangle, ventral view. iii. Rotation of selected neuropil to reveal type-specific layers. C. Heatmap showing downstream connectivity to chemosensory implicated neuronal types. Row annotations indicate the region of origin and the tastant category assigned to the sensory neuron type. D. Plotted meshes of strongly connected downstream partners of putative sweet taste neurons. E. Putative sweet taste circuit with specific downstream partners.

Pheromone-responsive chemosensory types.
A. Heatmaps showing individual SNch08 neurons, clustered by connectivity to ascending neuron types. Row order was determined by hierarchical clustering with respect to both inputs and outputs (see Figure 64 - figure supplement 1) and maintained in all plots. B. Plotted meshes of four SNch08 subpopulations/types. C. Plotted meshes of VNC neurons strongly downstream of pheromone-responsive type SNch08. D. Minimum layer plot. E. Putative pheromone processing circuit with selected downstream partners. Nodes are coloured by type for sensory neurons and by class for target neurons (cyan = intrinsic neuron, blue = ascending neuron). Edges are coloured by type for sensory neurons and by predicted neurotransmitter for target neurons (dark orange = acetylcholine, blue = GABA).

Pheromone response circuit.
A. Ipsilateral normalised input and output connectivity between four SNch08 subtypes and their strongest downstream targets. B. Contralateral normalised input and output connectivity between four SNch08 subtypes and their strongest downstream targets.

Pheromone response circuit.
Dendrogram used for hierarchical clustering of SNch08 neurons. The dashed line represents the cut height used to define the four main clusters/subtypes.

Uses of serial homology for annotation and systematic cell typing in MANC.
The manual and programmatic identification of individual neurons that repeat in multiple neuromeres - referred to as serial sets (centre, cyan) - contributed to many aspects of the MANC annotation process: 1. Assignment of unknown neurons (grey) to the correct hemilineage based on serial homology to known neurons (cyan), especially in T1 or the abdomen. 2. Assignment of neurons to the correct left-right partner and/or soma neuromere in the abdomen (grey) based on serial homology to neurons in thoracic neuromeres (green = T1, blue = T2, magenta = T3). 3. Extrapolation of birthtime assignments in T1 and T2 (pink = primary) to inform those in T3 (grey), where somas are typically smaller. 4. Generation of systematic serial types (cyan) for neurons originating in the VNC. 5. Identification of leg motor neuron types in T2 and T3 (grey) based on serial homology to light level-matched cells in T1 (purple) (Cheong et al., 2023). 6. Generation of systematic sensory cell types (green) across nerves and peripheral regions.

Secondary hemilineage network.
Schematic summary of secondary hemilineage-to-hemilineage connectivity showing the top partners and consensus neurotransmitter prediction per hemilineage in the adult male T2 neuromere (B) compared against previously reported predictions from late larva (A). Within hemilineage connections are excluded from the schematic. A. The lines between hemilineages represent initial contacts of neurite bundles made in late larva as reported by Truman et. al., 2004. Bundles within the grey circle were hypothesised to terminate in the ventrolateral (leg) neuropil while those in blue stripe hypothesised to project in dorsal tracts. Solid black lines represent edges between hemilineages confirmed in the adult male based on a threshold of 5% of input or being in the top 4 partners. Thresholds were considered from the perspective of both hemilineage (i.e., hemilineage A receives at least 5% of its input from hemilineage B and hemilineage B provides at least 5% of its output to hemilinage A. B. All confirmed edges in (A) plus all newly reported hemilineage connections that are in the top 4 partners per hemilineage (considered from both hemilineage’s perspective). Neurotransmitter identity is based on the upstream hemilinage’s consensus neurotransmitter prediction.

T2 secondary hemilineage to hemilineage connectivity.
Bubble plot showing secondary hemilineage to hemilineage connectivity restricted to T2. Colour of bubble is based on the consensus neurotransmitter prediction for the given upstream hemilineage. Size of each bubble is proportional to the synaptic weight between hemilineages.

T2 hemilineage to hemilineage connectivity.
A. Clustering of secondary hemilineages by secondary hemilineage to secondary hemilineage synaptic connectivity (grey cells represent primary-only hemilineages). B. Heatmap of primary hemilineages by primary hemilineage to primary hemilineage synaptic connectivity (grey cells represent secondary-only hemilineages). Ordering enforced to be consistent with A. C. Bias in connectivity to hemilineages by birthtime, calculated by subtracting the normalised primary connectivity from the normalised secondary connectivity. In cases where a hemilineage is primary or secondary only, a normalised connectivity score of 0 is assigned to the respective matrix. Ordering enforced to be consistent with A.

Leg circuit schematic.
6960 INs (>50%) have both origin and target specifically in the leg neuropil. Shown are the numbers of connections of these neurons, in the form of an arrow. Arrow is only shown if >10 neurons have the same origin and target. The great majority of intrinsic neurons of the leg have their origin and target within a single leg neuropil, over 950 neurons per leg neuropil. The number of neurons with the same leg connectivity pattern between legs ipsilaterally are all below 50. The most numerous bilateral connections between legs are in the T3 leg neuropils (>100).

Sensory flow schematic.
Global summary of MANC sensory neurons and their projections. Depicted origins are prothoracic leg (plus ventral prothorax), mesothoracic leg, metathoracic leg, wing (including wing margin), haltere, and abdomen. Line widths reflect higher neuron number when compared across sides and line colours reflect modality. Neurons of unknown modality have been omitted.