Figure 1:The ventral nerve cord, and its location within the fly’s body. Source: John.Tuthill, 2:A selection of reconstructed neurons. The neurons shown here comprise 4% of all reconstructed neurons in the MANC. (Ventral view.)Table 1:Neuropils contained and defined in the ventral nerve cord, following the naming conventions of [Court et al., 2020] with the addition of (R) and (L) to specify the side of the soma for that region. Counts are the number of objects found within the region; percentage is the fraction in traced neurons. Connection completion percentage is the fraction of all TBar-PSD pairs where both are in traced neurons. LegNP = leg neuropil; ANm = abdominal neuromeres; mVAC=medial ventral association center; Ov = ovoid neuropil; NTct = neck tectulum; WTct=wing tectulum; HTct = haltere tectulum; IntTct = intermediate tectulum; LTct = lower tectulumTable 2:Nerve regions contained and defined in the ventral nerve cord, following the naming conventions of [Court et al., 2020] with the addition of (R) and (L) to specify the side of the soma for that region.Figure 3:Neuropil compartments in the ventral nerve cord. (Ventral views.)Figure 4:Precision/recall plots for synapse identification