Ccdc113 knockout spermatids display impaired HTCA.
(A) The proportion of decapitated tails in Ccdc113+/+ and Ccdc113−/−corpus, caput and cauda epididymis (n = 3 independent experiments). At least 200 spermatozoa were analyzed from each mouse. Data are presented as mean ± SD; ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.001. (B) PAS staining of testis sections from Ccdc113+/+and Ccdc113−/− mice. The green arrows indicate the orientation of the sperm heads in stages V–VIII seminiferous epithelia. Ccdc113−/− sperm head could still be detected in stages IX–X seminiferous epithelia. P: pachytene spermatocyte, spz: spermatozoa, rSt: round spermatid, eSt: elongating spermatid, Z: zygotene spermatocyte, M: meiotic spermatocyte. (C) Ccdc113−/− spermatids lost their head orientation toward the basement membrane during spermiation in stages VII–VIII of the seminiferous epithelium. L: lumen, B: basement membrane. (D) Percentage of sperm heads with abnormal orientation in stages VII– VIII of the seminiferous epithelium in Ccdc113+/+ and Ccdc113−/− mice (n = 3 independent experiments). At least 200 spermatozoa were analyzed from each mouse. Data are presented as mean ± SD; ****P < 0.0001. (E) Defective HTCA formation in Ccdc113−/− spermatids. TEM analysis of the stepwise development of the HTCA were performed in Ccdc113+/+ and Ccdc113−/− testes. In Ccdc113+/+ spermatids, the well-defined coupling apparatus was tightly attached to the sperm head. In Ccdc113−/−spermatids, segmented columns (Scs), the capitulum (Cp) were absent. The red asterisks indicate the distance between the sperm head and HTCA. The white arrows indicate the dense material surrounding the proximal centriole. Nu: nuclear, Bp: basal plate, Cp: capitulum, Sc: segmented column, Pc: proximal centriole, Dc: distal centriole, An: annulus, Ax: axoneme, Rn: redundant nuclear envelope.