The t-LTD at lateral and medial perforant pathway-dentate gyrus granule cell synapses has distinct requirements for glutamate receptors.
The t-LTD at LPP-GC synapses requires mGluR5. (a) The addition of D-AP5 (50 μM) or MK-801 (500 μM) to the superfusion fluid does not prevent the induction of t-LTD at LPP-GC synapses. The EPSP slopes shown are from D-AP5-treated (red triangles, n = 8), MK- 801-treated (grey triangles, n = 6) and untreated cells (black triangles, n = 8). The traces show EPSPs before (1) and 30 min after (2) pairing. (b) Summary of the results. (c) The t-LTD at LPP-GC synapses requires mGluR5. The EPSP slopes are shown from control slices (black triangles, n = 9), and slices treated with the mGluR antagonist LY341495 (100 µM, red squares, n = 8), the mGluR1 antagonist LY367385 (100 µM, grey triangles, n = 6) or the mGluR5 antagonist MPEP (20 µM, blue squares, n = 8). The traces show the EPSPs before (1) and 30 min after (2) pairing. (d) Summary of the results. (e) The t-LTD at MPP-GC synapses requires NMDARs containing GluN2A subunits and mGluR1. The addition of D-AP5 (50 µM) or MK-801 (500 µM) to the superfusion fluid prevented t-LTD induction at MPP-GC synapses, whereas postsynaptic loading of MK-801 (500 µM) does not block t-LTD induction. The EPSP slopes are shown from D-AP5 (open red squares, n = 10) or MK-801 treated cells (batch, open grey squares, n = 6; loaded postsynaptic cell, open blue triangles, n = 9), and untreated cells (open black triangles, n = 8). The traces show the EPSPs before (1) and 30 min after (2) pairing. (f) Summary of the results. (g) The NMDARs involved in t- LTD at MPP-GC synapses contain GluN2A subunits. The t-LTD at MPP-GC synapses was completely blocked in slices exposed to Zn2+ (300 nM), while it remained unaffected in slices treated with Ro 25-6981 (0.5 µM), ifenprodil (3 µM) or PPDA. The EPSP slopes shown are from control slices (open black triangles, n = 9) and slices treated with Zn2+ (open red squares, n = 7), Ro-25-6981 (open grey triangles, n = 6), ifenprodil (open blue triangles, n = 6) or PPDA (open pink triangles, n = 6). The traces show the EPSPs before (1) and 30 min after (2) pairing. (h) Summary of the results. (i) The t-LTD at MPP-GC synapses requires mGluR1. The EPSP slopes shown are from control slices (open black triangles, n = 9), or slices treated with LY341495 (100 µM, open red squares, n = 10), LY367385 (100 µM, open grey squares, n = 7) or MPEP (20 µM, open blue triangles, n = 6). The traces show the EPSPs before (1) and 30 min after (2) pairing. (j) Summary of the results. The error bars indicate the S.E.M.: *p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, One-way ANOVA + Holm–Sidak test.