DTX3L catalyses ubiquitination of single-stranded nucleic acids.
(A) Cartoon representation of the AlphaFold model of DTX3L. Domains are coloured according to model confidence. Domain architecture of DTX3L is shown above the model. (B) DTX3L KHL2 (232–304) prediction shown in green overlaid with the third KH domain of KSRP (PDB 4B8T) shown in brown. (C) DTX3L KHL5 (448–511) prediction shown in green overlaid with the MEX-3C KH1 domain (PDB 5WWW) shown in purple. (D) Fold change of fluorescence polarisation of 6-FAM-labelled ssDNA D1-9 upon titrating with full-length DTX3L. (E) As in (D) but with 6-FAM-labelled ssRNA R1-9. (F) Fluorescently detected SDS-PAGE gel of in vitro ubiquitination of 6-FAM-labelled ssDNA D1-9 oligonucleotides by FL DTX3L in the presence of E1, UBE2D2, Ub, Mg2+-ATP. (G) As in (F) but with 6-FAM-labelled ssRNA R1-9 oligonucleotides. (H) Fluorescently detected SDS-PAGE gel of in vitro ubiquitination of 6-FAM-labelled ssDNA D4 by DTX3L variants (FL, full length; RD, RING-DTC domains; R, RING domain; D, DTC domain) in the presence of E1, UBE2D2, Ub, Mg2+-ATP. (I) As in (H) but with 6-FAM-labelled ssRNA R4. (J) Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE gel of in vitro ubiquitination of 6-FAM-labelled ssDNA D4 by DTX3L-RD in the presence of E1, UBE2D2, Ub, Mg2+-ATP. (K) Fluorescently detected SDS-PAGE gel of in vitro ubiquitination of 5’ IRDye® 800 ssDNA D10 by DTX3L-RD in the presence of E1, UBE2D2, Ub, Mg2+-ATP. (L) Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE gel of in vitro ubiquitination of ssDNA D11 by DTX3L-RD in the presence of E1, UBE2D2, Ub, Mg2+-ATP. Asterisks in (F), (H), and (I) indicate contaminant bands from ssDNA or ssRNA. Uncropped gel images for (F–L) are shown in fig. S4.