Positive allosteric modulator of mGluR5, JNJ-46778212, decreases clustered coactivity of dSPNs
(a) Time animal spent in each velocity bin and (b) Mean velocity of the animals during vehicle and after JNJ administration. JNJ decreases the amount of time the animal spends at rest (Vehicle mean: 0.661 ± 0.066, JNJ mean: 0.294 ± 0.041, p=0.012, U=25, Mann-Whitney U test), however the change in mean velocity (b) is not significant (p=0.060, U=3, Mann-Whitney U test), nor is the mean bout length during vehicle and JNJ (p=0.060, U=3, Mann-Whitney U test) (d) Comparison of mean number of bouts of each animal during vehicle and JNJ (p=0.403, U=8, Mann-Whitney U test). (e) Mean event rate of Ca2+ transients in dSPNs during movement. JNJ administration does not significantly affect the event rate in dSPNs (LMM, p=0.058, z=1.893, β=0.010, SE = 0.005, 95% CI: [-0.000 0.020], N=4 mice) (f) Coactivity of pairs of dSPNs (50 μm bins) during total time in open field. Systemic JNJ administration reduces pairwise coactivity (LMM, p=0.003, z=2.964, β=-0.450, SE = 0.152, 95% CI: [-0.153 0.748], N=4 mice) (g) Cartoon showing pairwise coactivity analysis (h) Pairwise coactivity binned by 250 µm distance (proximal < 250 µm, distal > 250 µm). JNJ administration reduces pairwise coactivity in distal (Mann-Whitney U test, p=0.021, U=16) and proximal neuron pairs (Mann-Whitney U test, p=0.030, U=16). Normalized co-activity of dSPNs during rest. JNJ produces a small but significant reduction in coactivity measured during rest (velocity < 0.5 cm*sec-1)(LMM, p=0.030, z=2.165, β=0.618, SE = 0.285, 95% CI : [0.059 1.177] , N=4 mice) (j) Normalized co-activity of dSPNs during movement (velocity > 0.5 cm*sec-1). JNJ had a significant effect on dSPN clustered activity (LMM, p=0.027, z=-2.212, β=-1.694, SE = 0.766, 95% CI: [-3.195 -0.193], N=4 mice).(k) Event rate in dSPNs during vehicle and after JZL administration. JZL-184 administration reduces the event rate (LMM, p=0.001, z=3.195, β=0.007, SE = 0.002, 95% CI: [0.003 0.012] , N=5 mice) (l) Normalized co-activity of dSPNs against Euclidean distance. JZL had no effect on coactivity (LMM, p=0.065, z=-1.847, β=-1.204, SE = 0.652, 95% CI: [-2.481 0.074] , N=5 mice) (m) Time animals spent in velocity bins. JZL did not affect time spent at rest (p=0.531, U=16, Mann-Whitney U test).