C. elegans responses to predatory threat can be organized into three defense modes.
(A) Predatory imminence model of C. elegans defensive responses to a predator-inhabited bacterial food patch. Upon being bitten by a predator, C. elegans executes an escape response, exits the predator-inhabited patch, and then ultimately reenters the patch (circa-strike mode). After extended exposure, C. elegans adopts an outstretched feeding posture to minimize predator contact (post-encounter mode). When confronted with a new patch, the predator-exposed C. elegans cautiously explores for potential predators in the patch (pre-encounter mode). (B) Arena setup for assessing circa-strike and post-encounter behaviors includes a 9.5 mm circular arena with a 2 mm bacterial patch, housing one C. elegans and four RS5194 P. pacificus predators (or none). (C) Number of exits and (D) total time that C. elegans spent off the patch during 1-hour exposure to predator and predator-free conditions (Wilcoxon rank sum test, nC.elegans = 13). (E) Percentage of C. elegans animals adopting outstretched feeding posture across different exposure durations to both predator and predator-free conditions (Fisher’s exact test, nC.elegans = 44-45). (F) Arena setup for studying pre-encounter behaviors involved placing one C. elegans and four RS5194 P. pacificus predators (or none) in either a wide exit arena (open space around the food patch) or a narrow exit arena (narrow corridor to/from the food patch) with a 2 mm bacterial patch. After 2- or 4-hour predator exposure, C. elegans was transferred to a predator-free arena for a 15-minute exploration period. (G) Latency to enter a new patch (Wilcoxon rank sum test with Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment, nC.elegans = 21-24) and (H) number of bins explored by C. elegans following either 2- or 4-hour exposure to predator or predator-free conditions (Welch’s t-test with Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment, nC.elegans = 13-15). Error bars are 95% bootstrap CIs containing the mean. n.s.=p>0.05, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.