The gradual temporal alignment of a global burst fraction modulation with the focal increase in event rate correlates with behavioral accuracy. A Trial- and population-averaged burst fraction and firing rate for FR-NR cells for hits only, separating recordings into subsequent days of recording and training. B The firing moment (see Methods) is shown as a function of training days for FR (left), BF (middle) and ER (right), for FR-NR cells. The line indicates a significant correlation (Pearson correlation -0.75 (P =.12), -0.99, (P <.0001), -0.9 (P =.042; bootstrap test), respectively). C Schematic: representations progress in later training days mainly by having an earlier modulation of burst fraction. D-F Trial- and population-averaged event rate (D), burst fraction (E) and firing rate (F) for FR-ON cells relative to baseline and separated according to training days (legend in panel A). Inset shows relationship between representation in the response period and training days (Pearson correlation -0.59 (P = .23), 0.83 (P = .84), 0.67 (P = .23) for ER, BF and FR, respectively). E, right Shows relationship between burst fraction relative to baseline and accuracy. Pearson correlation was significant for the response period (0.89, P =.042, bootstrap test). F, right Shows relationship between firing rate relative to baseline and accuracy. Pearson correlation was not significant (0.87, P =.050, bootstrap test). Responses are for hit trials only.