Experimental design - panel (a), schematic representation of the rat behavioral operant chamber equipped with four holes, each associated with a specific exposure to gains and losses (Anti-fragile, Robust, Vulnerable and Fragile); panel (b), values and frequencies for convex (green)/concave (red) gains/losses, with the largest probabilities highlighted in blue for Normal Events (20 to 25%, NE domain), Rare Events in yellow (5%, RE domain) and Rare and Extreme Events in pink (ε-probability smaller than 1%, REE domain); panel (c), representation and label of the four possible options, with increasing gains/losses (up/down) against decreasing probabilities (right/left): “Robust” has convex losses (avoidance of negative REE called Black Swan) and concave gains (avoidance of positive REE called Jackpot), “Anti-fragile” has convex losses and gains (Black Swan avoidance and Jackpot seeking), “Fragile” has concave losses and gains (Black Swan seeking and Jackpot avoidance) and “Vulnerable” has concave losses (Black Swan seeking) and convex gains (Jackpot seeking); panel (d), representation of two measures of Sensitivity to REE, i.e. “Total Sensitivity” (y-axis) and “One-sided Sensitivity” (x-axis) and examples, where green dot represents sensitivities associated with an hypothetical near-Anti-fragile profile (close to full Jackpot seeking and complete Black Swan avoidance), red dot represents sensitivities associated with an hypothetical near-Fragile profile (close to full Black Swan seeking and Jackpot avoidance), and blue dot represents sensitivities associated with an hypothetical choice mixing mostly Anti-fragile and Robust (near complete Black Swan avoidance and partial Jackpot seeking) - see the Material and Methods section on Modelling and Statistical Analysis for details