Effects of differential activation of DH44Ns and DH44PINs on IPCs and behavior.
A) and B) Labeling of DH44Ns in the brain using a broad (DH44N, A) and a sparse (DH44PIN, B) GAL4 driver line and a UAS-GFPp10 reporter, respectively. GFP was enhanced with anti-GFP (green), brain neuropils were stained with anti-nc82 (magenta). C) Example recording of an IPC during optogenetic activation of the broad DH44N driver line. In this one example, we observed strong activation of the IPC (marked by asterisk) during DH44N activation. However, about ∼100 ms after activation, the IPC was inhibited similar to all other recordings (see also Fig 4B). D) and E) Number of proboscis extensions (PE) before (Pre 1), during (S1), and after the first LED pulse (Post 1), while activating DH44Ns (D) or DH44PINs (E), respectively, in freely walking flies in the UFO. PEs were counted manually. Thick, black lines represents the grand mean.