Winners require Fmi in developmental supercompetition. A) Eye imaginal disc clones overexpressing UAS-Myc (>>Myc) and UAS-nGFP under control of the tub>CD2>GAL4 driver. Clones were generated with ey-Flp, so half of the cells are clones and the other half are wildtype twins. B) Eye imaginal disc >>Myc, UAS-nGFP, fmiE59 clones, competing against wildtype twins. C) Eye imaginal disc >>Myc, UAS-nGFP clones, competing against fmiE59 twins. D) Ratio of RFP-labeled clone area versus unlabeled wildtype area. The unlabeled wildtype area was obtained by subtracting the RFP-labeled area from the total eye disc area. A ratio over 1 implies RFP-positive clones are supercompetitors, while a ratio below 1 means the RFP-cells are losers. N = 9 discs (>>Myc), 5 discs (fmiE59, >>Myc), 4 discs (fmiE59vs >>Myc), groups were analyzed using multiple unpaired, two-tailed t test; p-values: <0.0001 (****), 0.6340 (ns) E) Representative wing imaginal disc overexpressing >>Myc and UAS-nGFP under control of the tub-Gal4 driver. Clones were generated using hsp70-Flp, with a 15 min 37°C heat-shock. wildtype cells are labeled with tub-nRFP. Non-recombinant cells are heterozygous for nRFP, while twin spots are homozygous nRFP. n = 14 discs F) Representative wing imaginal disc with >>Myc, UAS-nGFP, fmiE59 clones, over a wildtype background. Clones were generated in the same fashion as D. n = 19 discs G) Representative wing imaginal disc with >>Myc, UAS-nGFP clones, competing against fmiE59 twin spots. n = 13 discs H) log10 of the >>Myc/Twin spot cell ratio. nGFP total cells were divided by the number of twin spot homozygous nRFP cells, and then log10-transformed. A ratio over 0 indicates supercompetition of nGFP+ clones, and below 0 indicates nGFP+ cells are losers. The difference between groups was analyzed using a one way ANOVA, with Dunnett correction for multiple comparisons; p-value: >>Myc vs fmiE59 >>Myc < 0.0001 (****); >>Myc vs fmiE59 = 0.9705 (ns). Scalebars: 50 μm