Properties of excitatory connections between athorny and thorny CA3 pyramids.
A, Connection probabilities and example connections between: i, athorny cells, ii, thorny and athorny cells, iii, thorny cells and iv, athorny and thorny cells. Scalebars for presynaptic action potentials, 40 mV; for postsynaptic responses, 0.5 mV. B, Histograms of synaptic amplitudes of the different connection types: i, athorny-athorny, ii, thorny-athorny, iii, thorny-thorny, iv, athorny-thorny. Dashed line represents median value and shaded area interquartile range. C, Latency of synaptic connections onto postsynaptic athorny cells, individual points show single connection values. D, Failure rates of the different synaptic connection types. E, Short-term plasticity dynamics of different synaptic connection types. Synaptic amplitudes are normalised to the first EPSP in the train of 4.