Scatter plot of the response coefficient. Each point corresponds to a single initial condition, while the horizontal and vertical axes represent the response coefficient χ computed by the original and the linearized model, respectively, around the steady state. The linearized model is given by dx/dt = J x, where J is the Jacobi matrix of the model at steady state. If any metabolite concentrations become negative, the response coefficient is incomputable and “0” is assigned to such trajectories (note that the minimum value of the response coefficient is unity). Since the response coefficient is based on the logarithm of the concentrations, as the metabolite concentrations approach zero, the response coefficient becomes larger. The high response coefficient in the Boecker and Chassagnole model would be explained by this artifact. The linearized Khodayari model shows either χ ≈ 1 or χ = 0 (one or more metabolite concentrations become negative).This could be due to the number of variables in the model. For the response coefficient to have a larger value, the perturbation should be along the eigenvector that leads to oscillatory dynamics with long relaxation time (i.e., the corresponding eigenvalue has a small real part in terms of absolute value and a non-zero imaginary part). However, since the Khodayari model has about 800 variables, if perturbations are along such directions, there is a high probability that one or more metabolite concentrations will become negative.