Bipolar cell subtypes presynaptic to ON-T and ON-S RGCs have indistinguishable temporal response properties. (A) Maximum-projection z-stacks of fluorescent dye-filled bipolar cells targeted for electrophysiological recording in retinal slices from Gjd2-EGFP (left), Grm6-tdTomato (middle), and Gus8.4-EGFP (right) transgenic mice. (B) Responses to spatially uniform Gaussian noise stimulation (same as in Figs. 1-2) in example type 5i (cyan), type 6 (magenta) and type 7 (green) bipolar cells. Voltage traces are average responses to ten repetitions of the noise stimulus. (C) Linear filters computed from responses to non-repeated noise stimulus presentation. Lines and shaded areas show mean ± SEM of responses (type 5i, n= 11; type 6, n= 7; type 7, n= 6). (D) Quantification of response kinetics from linear filters. No significant differences across types (p = 0.19 zero-cross times; p= 0.89 biphasic index; Kruskal-Wallis test). (E) Responses to step light increment. Lines and shaded areas show peak-normalized mean ± SEM responses across type 5i bipolar cells (n= 8) and type 6 bipolar cells (n= 5). (F) Quantification of step response kinetics. Time to peak and steady-state response amplitude were not different between type 5i and type 6 bipolar cells (p= 0.72 and p= 0.35, respectively; Wilcoxan rank sum test).