Across preparations frequency was more likely to decrease when temperature increased and increase when temperature was stable in Cs+ compared to saline. (A) Example of a temperature step from 17°C to 19°C in saline (left) and Cs+ (right). Left axis and warm colors denote temperature, with reds denoting temperature increasing by more than 0.01°C/pyloric cycle, and yellows denoting stable temperature (change less than 0.01°C/pyloric cycle). Right axis and cool colors denote frequency, with green indicating mean frequency increase >0.002 Hz, blue indicating mean frequency decrease >0.002 Hz, and grey stable frequency between these bounds. In saline, frequency change closely mirrored temperature change. In Cs+, frequency decreased (blue) when temperature increased (red) and increased (green) when temperature stabilized (yellow). (B) Mean pyloric frequency as a function of temperature for a single experiment in both saline and Cs+. Note how in saline the frequency increased largely monotonically along the entire temperature range, increasing most when temperature increased (maroon). Conversely in Cs+ the frequency displayed a non-monotonic, sawtooth-like pattern, decreasing when temperature increased (pink) and increasing when temperature was stable (light yellow). (C) For the same experiment as in B, distribution of mean change in frequency for cycles when the mean temperature was increasing (top) or when the temperature was stable (bottom), definition of temperature same as in A,B, Figure 1A. When the temperature increased, the change in mean frequency was more likely to decrease in Cs+ than in saline. When temperature was stable, the change in mean frequency was more likely to increase in Cs+ than in saline. Dashed line and black arrows highlight the criteria for decreasing and increasing in frequency used for quantification in D and E. (D) Across experiments, the probability of decreasing mean frequency while temperature increased in Cs+ or in saline. For 20/21 of experiments, the probability was higher in Cs+ than saline. Experiment from B,C is highlighted by the larger, outlined point. (E) Across experiments, the probability of having an increasing frequency while temperature was stable. For 20/21 of experiments, the probability was higher in Cs+ than saline. Again, experiment from B,C is highlighted by the larger, outlined point.