Malat1 deficiency disrupts bone remodeling and results in osteoporosis through reduced osteoblastic bone formation and increased osteoclastic bone resorption.
(a) μCT images and (b) bone morphometric analysis of trabecular bone of the distal femurs isolated from the 12-week-old-male (n=11, upper panel) and female (n=9, lower panel) WT and Malat1-/- littermate mice. BV/TV, bone volume per tissue volume; BMD, bone mineral density; Conn-Dens., connectivity density; Tb.N, trabecular number; Tb.Th, trabecular thickness; Tb.Sp, trabecular separation. (c) TRAP staining and (d) histomorphometric analysis of histological sections obtained from of 12-week-old male WT and Malatl-/- littermate mice (n = 8/group). Oc.S/BS, osteoclast surface per bone surface; N.Oc/B.Pm, number of osteoclasts per bone perimeter. (e) Images of calcein double labelling of the tibia of 12-week-old male WT and Malat1-/- littermate mice. (f) Dynamic histomorphometric analysis of mineral apposition rate (MAR) and bone formation rate per bone surface (BFR/BS) after calcein double labeling of the tibiae of WT and Malatl-/- littermate male mice (n = 8/group). (g) Representative images of Toluidine blue staining (top) and Masson-Goldner staining (bottom) of femur from 12-week-old-male WT and Malat1-/- littermate mice. For Toluidine blue staining, the bones show green and osteoblasts are indicated by arrow heads. For Masson-Goldner staining, osteoid matrix appears dark orange on the surface of the bone beneath the osteoblasts (indicated by dash lines), osteoblasts are stained orange lining on the bone surface, and bone marrow cells appear red in the photograph. (h) Bone morphometric analysis of osteoblast surface per bone surface (Ob.S/BS), osteoblast number per bone perimeter (N.Ob/B.Pm) and osteoid matrix volume per bone volume (OV/BV) of the femur of WT and Malatr-/- littermate male mice (n = 10/group). (i) serum TRAP and P1NP levels of 12-week-old male mice. b, d, f, h, i *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ns, not statistically significant by Student’s t test. Data are mean ± SD. Scale bars: a 400 μm; c 200 μm; e, g 50 μm.