Mean ERPs to the preparation cue.
a) Grand-average ERPs in electrode Cz split for the four conditions (low & high incentive, placebo & THP). The three time-windows are highlighted in different colours, and correspond to the columns of panels below, with topographies of the mean amplitude within each window superimposed. The ‘incentive’ window is a non-contiguous window of 900-1100ms after the incentive cue, just before the preparation-cue appears, which contains the late negative potential after the incentive cue. b-d) The mean voltages within each time-window for the different incentive and drug conditions (individual participants’ data are shown in Figure Supplement 1). b) Late ERP to the incentive cue (900:1100ms at Cz) was more negative when on THP than placebo, but it was not affected by incentive (p > .05). c) Mean P3a (200:280ms after the preparation cue) is decreased by high incentives but unaffected by THP (note the different y-axis scale to b&d). d) The CNV (1200:1500ms after the preparation cue) is strengthened (more negative) by incentives and THP, with a weak interaction (p = .0213) as THP slightly reduces the incentive effect (flatter slope for the orange line; and THP lines are closer than Placebo lines in panel a). e-g) The β coefficients from regressing each component against each behavioural variable, with stars representing significant (p < .0056; Bonferroni-corrected for 9 comparisons) associations (error bars are 95% CI). h) Difference waves showing the effects of Incentive (50p minus 0p, averaged over other factors) and THP (THP minus placebo, averaged over other factors). Incentive starts decreasing (i.e., strengthening) the CNV early (during the P3a window), while the THP effect starts around 900ms after the preparation cue. i) Difference waves showing Incentive effects within each drug condition separately. Incentives strengthen the CNV for both conditions, with the effect growing more slowly for the THP condition, reflecting the THP*Incentive interaction reported in the main text. The following figure supplements are available:
Figure 3 – Figure supplement 1. Mean individual participants’ ERP component voltages for each time-window
Figure 3 – Figure supplement 2. Linear mixed-effects single-trial regression outputs for P3a and CNV.
Figure 3 – Figure supplement 3. Linear mixed-effects single-trial regression outputs for the effect of pre-preparation cue activity, P3a, and CNV on each behavioural measure
Figure 3 – Figure supplement 4. Testing for effects of incentives, THP or THP*incentives across all electrodes and timepoints.