AS, EDTA, and COL affected membrane integrity, PMF, ROS, and H2O2 levels in S16 and S30 strains..
Different concentration of COL (0.1 or 2 mg/L) were used alone or in combination with AS and EDTA. When used in combination, 1/8 MIC of AS or EDTA was added to a final concentration of 156.3 or 15.6 mg/L, respectively.
a-d AS, EDTA, and COL affected membrane integrity as measured by fluorescence probes NPN and PI. Error bars indicated standard deviations for 3 replicas (* p < 0.001, ns not significant). CON indicates the negative control group, and SOV indicates the solvent-exposed group.
e-h Disruption of PMF is shown by measuring the dissipation of electric potential (Δψ) (a, b) and osmotic component ( Δ pH) (c, d). Error bars indicate standard deviations for 3 replicas (* p < 0.001, ns not significant). CON indicates the negative control group, and SOV indicates the solvent-exposed group.
i-l Intracellular accumulation of ROS (i, j) and H2O2 (k, l) in S16 and S30 strains after 1 h treatment. Data were shown in the mean of triplicates ± SD (* p < 0.001, ns not significant). CON indicates the negative control group, SOV indicates the solvent-exposed group, and POS indicates the positive control group that treated with Rosup from the Total ROS Detection Kit.