Completion of TNTs by CD81
A. DiD vesicles in TNTs from WT or CD81 KO cells. Actin chromobody-expressing SH-SY5Y cells, either WT or CD81 KO, were challenged with DiD for 30 min and fixed to preserve TNTs after 8 or 24 hours. After additional WGA staining, TNTs (above 10 µm in length) were identified by confocal microscopy using WGA channel, and classified according to their content in DiD vesicles. Left is shown representative examples of long TNTs containing (projection of 12 slices of 0.19 µm) or not (projection of 7 slices) DiD-positive vesicles, from CD81 KO and WT cells respectively. Scale bars are 10 µm, yellow arrowheads point to DiD-positive vesicles in the TNT. The floating bar graph on the right shows the percentage of TNTs that contain DiD-positive vesicles from 6 independent experiments (min to max results, line at means (30.3 and 53.0), medians are 33.4 and 53.7. Statistical analysis is Mann-Whitney test, p-value is above the brackets. TNT number per experiment: 21, 23, 19 (8h of treatment), 6, 30, 41 (24h of treatment) for WT cells; 22, 17, 29 (8h of treatment), 17, 22, 29 (24h of treatment) for CD81KO cells. See also movies S7, S8, S9.
B. Coculture of actin chromobody-GFP-expressing cells (WT or CD81 KO) with WT cells. After fixation, cells were additionally labeled with WGA (Alexa 647, in white) and Phalloidin-Rhodamin (red). TNTs were identified by confocal imaging and classified as schematized above the diagrams: fully green when red and green signals overlapped throughout the structure (exemplified in the first row of pictures), partially or not green when green signal was interrupted or not present at all in the TNTs (exemplified in second and third rows respectively). First and third rows are maximal projections of 6 and 7 slices (of 0.19 µm) encompassing the TNT of WT-WT coculture, second row is a maximal projection of 5 slices of CD81 KO-WT coculture. Yellow arrowheads point to TNTs. Scale bars are 10 µm.
C. Quantification of the percentage of fully green TNTs in the cocultures of panel B, from 5 independent experiments (approximately 20 TNTs per condition and experiment, in total 91 and 92 analyzed TNTs from WT-WT and CD81 KO-WT cocultures respectively). Floating bars are min to max results, line at means (69.3 and 34%), medians are 66.7 and 27.8 %, statistical analysis was Mann-Whitney test.
D. Working model of CD9/CD81 roles on TNT formation. TNTs (black dotted-line frame) are made up of iTNTs, supported by actin (red arrows). In WT cells, CD9 and CD81 are present on growing iTNT (probably together with additional interactors, indicated as yellow circle), and CD9 stabilizes them. At the junction between iTNT and opposing cell membrane, CD81 participates in membrane docking/ fusion, which results in the full completion of an open, functional TNT (right panel). When cells are treated with CD9AB, the active complexes are further enriched/stabilized, and more TNTs are stabilized. In CD9 KO cells, growing iTNTs are not stabilized, resulting in the decrease of TNT number. In CD81 KO cells, CD9-containing complexes (green circles) are still active for stabilization of iTNTs but anchoring of the iTNTs to opposite cell/fusion is no longer induced by CD81, resulting in apparent, but non-functional TNTs, in which vesicles (purple circles) are trapped.