Both propranolol and metoprolol could rescue CCM in ccm2 CRISPR zebrafish. (A) A diagram outlines the drug treatment experiment, CUBIC treatment and following recording of CCMs in adult zebrafish brain. The chemical treatment was started from week 3 with 12.5 µM propranolol or 50 µM metoprolol, and increased to 25 µM propranolol and 100 µM metoprolol, respectively from week 5. The fish water with chemicals or vehicle control are refreshed on a daily basis. (B) Statistical analysis of lesion volume by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. P<0.01. (C through K) Representative light sheet microscopy scanning pictures of brains from ccm2 CRISPR adult zebrafish. In controls without chemical treatment (C, D, and E) there were vascular anomalies indicated by arrows. Neither propranolol (F, G, and H) nor metoprolol (I, J, and K) treated fish showed vascular lesions in the brain. Scale bar: 1mm.