The effects of HGT on population multistability when MGEs promote or reduce competition. (a-b) , The schematics of HGT promoting or reducing competition.
(c) , For populations of two species, when MGEs promote competition, increasing HGT rate enlarged the area of bistability region in the phase diagram. Here, δ describes the effect of mobile genes on the competition strength. Positive δ represents HGT promoting competition. In numerical simulations, we tested three different δ values (marked in different colors). When calculating the area of bistability region, we randomized μ 1 and μ 2 500 times between 0 and 1 hr-1 following uniform distributions while keeping and constants. For each pair of growth rates, we randomized the initial abundance of each species 200 times between 0 and 1 following uniform distributions. The system was monostable if all initializations led to the same steady state. Otherwise, the system was bistable. Then we calculated the fraction of growth rate combinations that generated bistability out of the 500 random combinations. Other parameters are γ 1 = γ 2 = 1.1, k = 0.005 h −1 , D = 0.2 h −1 .
(d) , When MGEs reduce competition, the area of bistability region decreases with HGT rate. Three negative δ values were tested and shown as examples here.
(e) , For populations of 5 species, when MGEs promote competition, the number of stable states increases with HGT rate. We calculated the number of stable states by randomly initializing the species abundances 500 times. Then we simulated the steady states and clustered them into different attractors by applying a threshold of 0.05 on their Euclidean distances. The data were presented as mean ± standard deviation of 10 replicates. Each replicate corresponds to a different combination of randomized species growth rates. Other parameters are γ i ,j = 1.1, k = 0.005 h −1 , D = 0.2 h −1 , δ = 0.5.
(f) , When MGEs reduce competition, the number of stable states decrease with HGT rate. The data were presented as mean ± standard deviation of 10 replicates. δ = −0.5 was used in the simulation.