Behavioral effects of novelty and VTA inactivation.
(A) In novel sessions, Unch. visit duration decreased from Epoch 1 to Epoch 2, while CNO additionally led to longer visit duration in experimental rats. Mean ± standard error, Exp Saline, Epoch 1: 7.551±1.11, Epoch 2: 4.98±0.44; Exp CNO, Epoch 1: 12.14±1.7, Epoch 2: 6.75±0.64. Con Saline, Epoch 1: 7.76±0.65, Epoch 2: 4.86±0.35; Con CNO, Epoch 1: 7.46±0.59, Epoch 2: 4.96±0.25. Mixed-effects GLM with epoch, drug, animal group, and all interactions, with individual animal as a random effect: epoch, z=-2.99, p<0.01; group X drug, z=3.29, p<0.01; all other terms, n.s. (B) In novel sessions, Incr. visit duration increased from Epoch 1 to Epoch 2, while CNO additionally led to longer visit duration in experimental rats. Mean ± standard error, Exp Saline, Epoch 1: 7.52±1.32, Epoch 2: 10.05±0.88; Exp CNO, Epoch 1: 11.55±2, Epoch 2: 13.39±1.18. Con Saline, Epoch 1: 7.77±0.58, Epoch 2: 10.97±0.55; Con CNO, Epoch 1: 6.77±0.38, Epoch 2: 10.46±0.22. Mixed-effects GLM with epoch, drug, animal group, and all interactions, with individual animal as a random effect: epoch, z=2.82, p<0.01; group X drug, z=2.91, p<0.01; all other terms, n.s. (C) In familiar sessions, Unch. visit duration decreased from Epoch 1 to Epoch 2, with only a modest effect of CNO compared to novel sessions. Mean ± standard error, Exp Saline, Epoch 1: 6.45±0.72, Epoch 2: 5.17±0.66; Exp CNO, Epoch 1: 6.47±0.42, Epoch 2: 5.841±0.51. Con Saline, Epoch 1: 6.54±0.5, Epoch 2: 4.72±0.37; Con CNO, Epoch 1: 6.18±0. 3, Epoch 2: 4.17±0.17. Mixed-effects GLM with epoch, drug, animal group, and all interactions, with individual animal as a random effect: epoch, z=-2.37, p<0.05; all other terms, n.s. (D) In familiar sessions, Incr. visit duration increased from Epoch 1 to Epoch 2. Mean ± standard error, Exp Saline, Epoch 1: 6.41±0.59, Epoch 2: 11.1±0.97; Exp CNO, Epoch 1: 6.03±0.18, Epoch 2: 11.99±1. Con Saline, Epoch 1: 7.27±0.66, Epoch 2: 11.46±0.71; Con CNO, Epoch 1: 6.33±0.48, Epoch 2: 10.28±0.4. Mixed-effects GLM with epoch, drug, animal group, and all interactions, with individual animal as a random effect: epoch, z=3.97, p<0.001; all other terms, n.s. (E) Unch. visit duration increased from Epoch 2 to Epoch 3. Mean ± standard error, Exp Saline, Epoch 2: 5.13±0.53, Epoch 3: 7.95±0.6; Exp CNO, Epoch 2: 6.04±0.42, Epoch 3: 7.89±0.68. Con Saline, Epoch 2: 4.77±0.27, Epoch 3: 6.23±0.37; Con CNO, Epoch 2: 4.43±0.15, Epoch 3: 5.96±0.19. Mixed-effects GLM with epoch, drug, animal group, and all interactions, with individual animal as a random effect: epoch, z=2.32, p<0.05; all other terms, n.s. (F) Incr. visit duration decreased from Epoch 2 to Epoch 3. Mean ± standard error, Exp Saline, Epoch 2: 10.87±0.8, Epoch 3: 9.08±1.01; Exp CNO, Epoch 2: 12.31±0.82, Epoch 3: 9.92±0.95. Con Saline, Epoch 2: 11.29±0.5, Epoch 3: 6.48±0.28; Con CNO, Epoch 2: 10.34±0.27, Epoch 3: 6.42±0.29. Mixed-effects GLM with epoch, drug, animal group, and all interactions, with individual animal as a random effect: epoch, z=-4.77, p<10−5, group X epoch, z=2.31, p<0.05; all other terms, n.s.