Anatomical characterization of recording area and its input and output connectivity.
A) CTb injections in the dentate nucleus of Mi and Mo displays the site of electrophysiological recordings of its neurons at the lateral edge of the DN. B) Pictures of retrogradely labeled cells in the Principal Nucleus of the inferior olive (IO); insets show overview of IO. C) Quantification of retrogradely labeled cells in different subnuclei of the IO in Mi (blue) and Mo (pink). D) Examples of retrogradely labeled cells in the medial pons of Mi (left) and Mo (right); insets show higher magnification of labeled cells. E) Schematic representations of cerebellar cortical areas containing retrogradely labeled Purkinje cells in Mi (left) and Mo (right). F) Examples of retrogradely labeled Purkinje cells for both animals (Mi and Mo in panels on the left and right, respectively); insets show areas of the higher magnifications with the labeled cells. G) Example of anterograde CTb labeling of cerebellar fibers with dense varicosities (arrowheads) in the thalamus of Mo. Panels i and ii on the right correspond to insets in the left panel; panels iii and iv are examples of anterograde CTb labeling outside of the left panel in the anterior pulvinar and red nucleus, respectively. VL, LD, CL, APul, VPL, CM and MD indicate ventrolateral, laterodorsal, centrolateral, anterior pulvinar, ventroposterior lateral, centromedial and mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, respectively. dlPO, vlPO: dorsolateral-, ventrolateral Principle Olive, vlo: ventrolateral outgrowth; MAO and DAO: medial and dorsal accessory olive. Scale bars in A, B, D, F and G indicate 1250 μm, 100 μm, 1000 μm, 50 μm and 1000 μm, respectively.