Experimental design and analysis rationale.
Upper panel: Transition matrices used to generate sound sequences according to the different conditions (random, midminus, midplus, and ordered) with a schematic example of a brief sound sequence. The “Testing Time” window corresponds to one trial with the to-be-decoded carrier frequency in the center (at 0 ms; marked by solid line), preceded and followed by two other tones (marked by dashed lines). Middle panel: Individual level analysis. For MVPA, time-shifted classifiers were trained on events in the random condition (left panel) and applied in a condition- and time-generalized manner to all conditions (middle panel). Lower panel: Group comparisons. At a group level, the resulting slopes (β-coefficients) of the regression analysis were compared between the tinnitus group and the control group. Notably, Study 2 solely included random and ordered sound conditions, as well as a narrower frequency range between ~400 to 1000Hz. Analyses approaches did not vary except statistics were based on differences in decoding accuracy between conditions (referred to as “neural predictions scores”) rather than β-coefficients.