Modulation of complement AP and CP biomarkers by PPY988 delivery. Fold-changes (y-axis) in complement biomarker [FI, C3, FH, FB, C1q, Ba, C3a, C3b/iC3b, C4b, Ba:FB, C3a:C3, C3b/iC3b:C3] concentrations from baseline at each post-surgery week (VH: week 5/12, 36 and 96; AH: week 36 and 96; X-axis) are shown in VH with no normalisation (A), VH with total protein normalisation (B), and AH with no normalisation. Mean is shown by thick black lines, +/− SE is shown by bars. Individual subject changes are shown by grey lines. Yellow boxes highlight disparate trends in VH vs AH biomarkers. BL = Baseline; WK= week.