Effect of synaptic weight strength on network gain and stability.
A. Effect of synaptic weight change on network gain (gE) and stability (λmax) in a network biased to inhibitory SOM influence (wES > wPS). We change the strength of one weight at a time, either wEP or wPE (i), wES or wSE (ii), wPS or wSP (iii), or wPP or wSS (iv). Colorbar indicates the weight strength, red corresponds to weights onto E, blue onto PV, and green onto SOM. B. Same as A but in a network biased to disinhibitory SOM influence (wES < wPS). The networks are in the non-ISN regime (wEE is weak) and all the rates are fixed rE = 3, rP = 5, rS = 0.5.