Effect of synaptic weight strength on network gain and stability.
A. Effect of synaptic weight change on network gain (gE) and stability (λmax) in a network biased to inhibitory SOM influence (wES > wP S). We change the strength of one weight at a time, either wEP or wP E (i), wES or wSE (ii), wP S or wSP (iii), or wP P or wSS (iv). Colorbar indicates the weight strength, red corresponds to weights onto E, blue onto PV, and green onto SOM. B. Same as A but in a network biased to disinhibitory SOM influence (wES < wP S). The networks are in the non-ISN regime (wEE is weak) and all the rates are fixed rE = 3, rP = 5, rS = 0.5. Dashed rectangles represent zoom-in.