Structure and diversity of Psa29. (A) Structure of Psa29 depicted as cartoons. Psa29 was modeled from V47 to L178. (B) Cryo-EM map of Psa29 and its surrounding environment, viewed from the stromal side. The red-squared areas are enlarged in panels C–G. Yellow, PsaB; cyan, PsaC; blue, PsaD; magenta, PsaL; orange, Psa29. (C–G) Protein-protein interactions of Psa29 with PsaB/PsaC (C), PsaC/PsaD (D), PsaB/PsaD (E), PsaB/PsaD/PsaL (F), and PsaD (G). Interactions are indicated by dashed lines, and the numbers are distances in Å. Amino acid residues participating in the interactions are labeled; for example, A71/C indicates Ala71 of PsaC. B, PsaB; C, PsaC; D, PsaD, L, PsaL; 29, Psa29. (H) Phylogenetic analysis of Psa29 in photosynthetic organisms. A maximum-likelihood tree of Psa29 proteins was inferred using IQ-TREE v2.2.2.7 with the WAG+F+G4 model and a trimmed alignment of 22 sequences comprising 245 amino acid residues. Numbers at the nodes represent ultrafast bootstrap support (%) (1000 replicates). The tree was mid-point rooted between diatoms and Bolidophyceae Parmales. Psa29 of T. pseudonana CCMP1335 is indicated by a red underline.