Incorporation of heptose into LPS is essential in ΔbamB, ΔsurA and ΔdegP
A. Transposon insertions in the genes gmhA, gmhB, hldE, waaD, waaC, and waaF in the parent, ΔbamB, ΔsurA and ΔdegP TraDIS libraries. Transposon cut-off is set to 20. Essential genes are represented as red arrows. B. Schematic of the heptose biosynthesis pathway and LPS structure in E. coli K-12 BW25113 with gene labels for LPS biosynthesis enzymes indicated next to the linkage they form or component they ligate. Enzymes identified as conditionally-essential are labelled in red text. C. Membrane fluidity was measured in ΔgmhA, ΔgmhB, ΔhldE, ΔwaaD, ΔwaaC, ΔwaaF, ΔwaaG, ΔwaaP and ΔwaaY mutants and compared to the parent strain by using pyrenedeconoic acid fluorescence. D. To determine the extent of Bam complex activity, successful folding and insertion of OmpT into the outer membrane was measured in the ΔgmhA, ΔgmhB, ΔhldE, ΔwaaD, ΔwaaC, ΔwaaF, ΔwaaG, ΔwaaP, ΔwaaY and ΔompT mutants and compared to the parent strain. For panels C and D, experiments were performed in biological and technical triplicate with standard deviation represented by error bars. Two sample t-tests were used to assess statistical significance of differences from the WT strain with *** indicating p-values of <0.001, * indicating p-values of <0.05, and NS as not significant (p-value ≥ 0.05).