Generic mathematical model captures the experimental data.
(A) Uneven division of a mother cell with polar ribosomes and homogeneously spread metabolic enzymes leads to daughter cells with identical metabolic enzyme concentrations, but deviating ribosome concentrations. Small newborn cells tend to have higher ribosome concentrations than large newborn cells. (B) In the model, ppGpp regulates the ratio of ribosomes to metabolic enzymes, by steering the saturation of ribosomes with their substrates to a fixed setpoint. (C) Since restoring the optimal metabolism versus biosynthesis rates (as explained in B) takes more than one cell cycle, mother cells will generally not yet be in a steady state at their division. Their daughters therefore inherit the perturbation consequences of previous generations, affecting their growth rate at birth. (D-F) A comparison of the experimental data for differently sized cells at birth, to averages of 50000 consecutive cell-cycle simulations. For ribosomes in D, metabolic enzymes in E and sER in F. (G) Birth-to-division growth rate trajectories for different length bins, from our mathematical model simulation with 50000 rod-shaped cells, based on cell-size dependent ribosome partitioning (A), saturation set-point control of ribosome expression (B), and the non-steady state mother effect (C). This figure qualitatively captures the experimental data shown in Fig. 1C. (H) A panel of three plots showing representative simulated trajectories of volumetric growth rate (μV), elongation rate and cell length. For the growth rate plot, the dashed line indicates the average growth rate for the entire simulation. For the length plot, the dashed line indicates 50% of the length of the associated mother cell. (I) Comparison and validation of experimental data with a model prediction. The growth-rate effect of polar localisation of ribosomes is less in large cells, because a relatively large fraction of ribosomal is located mid-cell, along the nucleoid 33,45, which reduces the size-dependent asymmetry in ribosome and metabolic protein concentration in non-average-sized, newborn cells.