Identifying the optimal number of brain latent states based on the criterion of statistical robustness and cognitive sensibility.
(a) For each candidate K ranging from 2 to 10, we trained an HMM model on n-1 subjects and applied it to decode the time course of state expression for the test subject. The decoded time course was then used to compute a Calinski-Harabasz score, with a larger value indicating better clustering performance, and to decipher which narrative (out of three) was heard by the subject. The two measurements were first assessed at the individual level and then averaged across participants. (b) Model performance as a function of K. With the increase of K, the model’s clustering performance tended to decline while the ability to decipher narrative contents tended to improve. We combined the two indices by converting them independently to z scores and summed them up. Notably, at K=3, the summed z score reached its highest point, therefore it was set as the optimal number of latent states.