3 results found
    1. Ecology

    Sequestration and activation of plant toxins protect the western corn rootworm from enemies at multiple trophic levels

    Christelle AM Robert, Xi Zhang ... Jonathan Gershenzon
    The western corn rootworm escapes biological control by entomopathogenic nematodes by partitioning and phenocopying the plant defense system for self-protection.
    1. Ecology

    Entomopathogenic nematodes increase predation success by inducing cadaver volatiles that attract healthy herbivores

    Xi Zhang, Ricardo AR Machado ... Christelle AM Robert
    By changing the smell of their host, entomopathogenic nematodes attract future hosts and increase their predation success.
    1. Neuroscience

    Evolution of neuronal anatomy and circuitry in two highly divergent nematode species

    Ray L Hong, Metta Riebesell ... Ralf J Sommer
    The substrate for evolutionary divergence does not lie in changes in neuronal cell number or targeting, but rather in sensory perception and synaptic partner choice within invariant, prepatterned neuronal processes.

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