(A) Experiments 1 and 3: for each trial, the first scene was presented for 700 ms, which included a 100-ms fade-in phase at the beginning and a 100-ms fade-out phase at the end. The second scene was …
(A) Clear weather conditions (clear visibility): contrast is unaltered and the visibility is optimal in all directions (brown line). (B) Distance-independent contrast reduction (uniform contrast): …
(A) Mean perceived driving speed across subjects as a function of visibility: for each subject, PSE values were averaged across the three target speeds (i.e., 40, 60, and 90 km/hr), then perceived …
(A) Mean perceived driving speed across subjects as a function of visibility: Perceived speed was calculated from the measured PSEs using the following equation: Speedperceived = PSEclear + PSEclear …