Age- and diet-associated metabolome remodeling characterizes the aging process driven by damage accumulation

  1. Andrei S Avanesov
  2. Siming Ma
  3. Kerry A Pierce
  4. Sun Hee Yim
  5. Byung Cheon Lee
  6. Clary B Clish
  7. Vadim N Gladyshev  Is a corresponding author
  1. Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, United States
  2. Broad Institute, United States
7 figures and 2 tables


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
Dynamics of metabolite diversity throughout lifespan.

(A) The number of detected nontargeted metabolites rises and then levels off as a function of cohort's age. Age-dependent changes in the number of detected metabolites (red curve) and intensity of total signal (blue curve) for nontargeted (two left panels) and targeted (two right panels) metabolites for standard (two upper panels) and defined (two lower panels) diets are shown. The lines were drawn using cubic polynomial fit function. Triangles mark data for the separately collected replicates for each age group. Significance for age-associated pattern in metabolite diversity was established using repeated measures ANOVA and was significant for nontargeted metabolites (p<6 × 10−6) but not significant for targeted metabolites (p>0.2). The corresponding lifespan curves are shown in black in each panel, and the curves in grey (for the other diet) are shown for convenient comparison of survivorship on the two diets. Mean lifespan of flies on standard and defined diets was 50.8 and 64.4 days, respectively (log-rank test [p<0.001]). (B) Metabolites which registered at zero in at least one sample (21 total samples [three associated replicates for each of the 7 age groups]) were isolated from the dataset and, for visualization purposes, non-detected signals (ones registering at 0) were changed to 1 × 10−5 and Log10 transformed with the remaining signals. Accordingly, points of non-detection in black along with the color gradient of the mass-spectrometry peak intensities for detected signals are provided on two age-supervised hierarchically clustered heatmap images. For comparison purposes, only metabolites overlapping in both dietary regimens were used. Side bracket exemplifies rises in age-associated metabolites. Side bars highlight metabolites from the lipid fraction (yellow). Other metabolites are shown in black in this bar. (C) Histograms show overlaps in the distribution of signal intensities for all nontargeted metabolites vs targeted metabolites used to construct heat map images in B.
Figure 1—figure supplement 1
Correspondence in late life transition between metabolite diversity and mortality.

For metabolite diversity, each triangle represents a sample at a given age, wherein a total of three replicates were used per age group. Circles correspond to the number of dead flies at each respective age. The lines were drawn using cubic polynomial fit function.
Age- and diet-associated changes in metabolite levels accompany Drosophila aging.

(A) Venn diagram of age-related features for two dietary regiments. The diagram shows that a large fraction of detected age-related features overlap between the two diets (‘overlapping metabolites’). (B) Kernel Density Plot showing the distribution of Pearson correlation coefficients of the overlapping metabolites between the two diets (color). The coefficients for the total metabolites (gray) are shown for comparison. (C and D) Clustering of the overlapping metabolites by Principal Component Analysis. Squares and triangles denote standard and defined diets, respectively. Each plot includes three replicates per age. (C) Plot with scaling expression values across diets. In this plot, individuals are separated according to their ages and diets. (D) PCA plot with diet-specific scaling separates individuals according to their ages only.
Distribution of fold-changes for age-related metabolites.

(A and B) Fold-change differences within standard (A) and defined (B) diets were calculated by comparing changes in intensity from the ratio of maximum to minimum lifespan-associated values. (C) Inter-dietary differences are shown in two heatmap panels after their separation into twofold thresholds, which also show metabolite remodeling during aging. Heatmaps were generated as follows. Replicate values were averaged and then scaled within individual and also across the diets. The resulting matrix was then subjected to age-guided complete hierarchical clustering using hclust algorithm in R where ages were assigned to columns and individual metabolites were assigned to rows. The resulting image allows convenient visualization of clusters containing metabolites with common trajectories (left side), which may also show inter-dietary differences in levels (right side). Side bars were added to highlight metabolites derived from the lipid fraction and also trajectories bearing strong correlation to lifespan curves (Pearson coefficient |r| >0.75, color coded for each diet). Age-related trajectories were derived from trimming the distance matrix into 12 k-means clusters using rect.hclust function in R. Plots in each box represent averages of the scaled values of contributing metabolites whose number is listed in at the top of each graph.
Common and distinct patterns of metabolite remodeling during the aging process.

(A) Fold-change differences between common age-related metabolites from two dietary conditions (inter-dietary differences). Fold change was calculated using averages of individual metabolite levels across each lifespan. (B) Distribution of Pearson coefficients. The Kernel-Density function in R was used to plot the distribution of all Pearson coefficients representing correlations between each of the age-related metabolites and lifespan curves for standard (green) and defined (purple) diets. Signals were split into groups that showed inter-dietary differences of under (solid lines) or above (dashed lines) twofold-change. (C) Signals were clustered using methods described in Figure 3C legend. Side bars were added to highlight positions of the metabolites bearing statistically significant inter-dietary differences (Student t test, p<0.05), metabolites meeting above twofold inter-dietary change, metabolites from the lipid fraction, and metabolites bearing strong correlation to lifespan (Pearson coefficient |r| >0.75, color coded for each diet). (D) Age-related trajectories were derived from the hierarchical tree as described in Figure 3C legend.
Age-related transcripts and metabolites follow similar trajectories and show a delayed response under lifespan-extending dietary conditions.

One way repeated measures ANOVA was used to identify transcripts with age-related changes at p<0.0013. A total of 1171 features showed significance in both diets. (A) Normalization and clustering were performed according to the procedures described for Figure 3C legend. Each box represents individual clusters trimmed from hierarchically clustered tree using hclust algorithm in R. The number of genes contributing to each cluster is provided in the bottom left corner. (B) ClusterProfiler (Yu et al., 2012) package in R (Yu et al., 2012) was used to test for enrichment for Biological Process ontology in Clusters 1–12 in (A). Clusters 3, 10, and 12 did not enrich and therefore are not present. (C) Comparison of diet-dependent and diet-independent frequencies in gene and metabolite expression data. Frequencies of diet-dependent to diet-independent changes in gene expression and metabolites were obtained from signals provided by clusters 112 in panel A and Figure 4D, respectively. Differences that were continuous across lifespan were categorized as progressive, and those that were not as intermittent. (D) Average trajectories of upregulated (solid lines) and downregulated (dashed lines) signals in gene (top panel) and metabolite (bottom panel) expression datasets. For gene expression, the upregulated trajectories are averages of all signals from Clusters 1–5 shown in panel A, while all downregulated signals were derived from Clusters 6–8. Similarly, the global increases and decreases in metabolite levels were generated by averaging signals in Clusters 2–4 and Clusters 5–8, respectively, from Figure 4D. Plots show normalized trajectories' values, which were obtained using quadratic polynomial fit through sample replicates. Points indicate sampled ages.
Identification and metabolic pathway representation of significant age-related targeted metabolites.

(A) Overview of molecules significantly associated with aging according to biological processes in both diets (repeated measures ANOVA, p<0.05). (B) Venn diagram showing the number of significantly changing metabolites with relation to the number of metabolites uniquely significant to standard (solid) or defined (dashed) diets.
Metabolic signatures of aging in control and dietary restricted flies.

Annotated (targeted) metabolites were derived from raw nontargeted data and represent only signals of established chemical identities. (A and B) Patterns of targeted metabolites. Clustering and graphing were done identically to the procedures described for Figure 3C legends. Side bars highlight lipid species and cluster boundaries that correspond to consequently arranged plots in (B). (C) Metabolite set enrichment analysis was performed by MetaboAnalyst 2.0 (Xia and Wishart, 2011). The panel overviews low expressing signals in long-living flies (Clusters 5–8). (D) Metabolites representing known damage and lifespan limiting factors overlayed with lifespan curves for standard (solid) and defined (dotted) diets. Taurine and kynurenine showed statistically significant inter-dietary changes across lifespan. Methionine sulfoxide differed significantly between 10 and 25 day groups (Student t test p<0.50). Tryptophan showed no significant inter-dietary differences at 60–63 days. Circles correspond to sampled age groups, whereby z-scored expression values are generated from averages of randomly measured replicates representing separately sampled cohorts in standard (green) or defined (purple) diets.


Author response table 1

The table was downloaded from the GenAge database and shows genes known to affect D. melanogaster lifespan. We asked if gene expression differences as function of age were significant for these D. melanogaster genes. We find that there is a good correlation as indicated by significant age-associated p values (highlighted cells).

gene_symbolgene_idage-assoc p val. (Control diet)age-assoc p val. (DR diet)entrez_idgene_name
Rpd3FBgn00158050.4818105470.21601182638565Histone deacetylase Rpd3
Or83bFBgn00373240.2851811950.04676343440650Odorant receptor 83b
chicoFBgn00242480.0038879380.20551386864880Insulin receptor substrate-1
Sir2FBgn00242910.3210251470.00365216334708Protein Sir2
IndyFBgn00368160.1131975280.00697016440049I'm not dead yet
foxoFBgn00381970.2814220960.04604067741709Forkhead box, sub-group O
p53FBgn00390440.2020609440.2776168462768677CG33336 gene product from transcript CG33336-RB
l(3)neo18FBgn00114550.0284312670.00607433146260lethal (3) neo18
Ilp2FBgn00360460.7609271940.09398943939150Insulin-like peptide 2
Ilp3FBgn00440500.9585270520.69113422439151Insulin-like peptide 3
Ilp5FBgn0044048not in the datasetnot in the dataset2768992Insulin-like peptide 5
CbsFBgn00311480.0002785350.00017487433081Cystathionine beta-synthase
CG4389FBgn00284790.0017578497.90528E-0534276CG4389 gene product from transcript CG4389-RA
CG7834FBgn00396970.2193464440.11176124543515CG7834 gene product from transcript CG7834-RA
AkhFBgn00045522.04158E-060.08810508138495Adipokinetic hormone
Author response table 2

The table was downloaded from the GenAge database and shows D. melanogaster genes whose homologs affect C. elegans and S. cerevisiae lifespans. We asked if gene expression differences as function of age were significant for these genes. We find that there is a good correlation as indicated by significant age-associated p values (highlighted cells).

entrez_idgene_idmodel organism frommodel organism gene symbolmodel organism gene entrez_idage-assoc p val. (Control diet)age-assoc p val. (DR diet)
37068FBgn0001222Caenorhabditis eleganshsf-11730780.2082323230.014228222
32780FBgn0003380Caenorhabditis elegansshk-11745360.0041953760.058999312
33379FBgn0003557Caenorhabditis eleganswwp-11716470.1422173520.130634649
42549FBgn0013984Caenorhabditis elegansdaf-21754100.3496188640.011412462
42446FBgn0015279Caenorhabditis elegansage-11747620.6647396881.19E-05
43856FBgn0015624Caenorhabditis eleganscbp-11763800.3357022050.000305516
33025FBgn0015789Caenorhabditis elegansrab-102668362.50E-050.002107404
37546FBgn0020307Caenorhabditis elegansdve-11803980.9510507410.022711332
47396FBgn0021796Caenorhabditis eleganslet-3631721670.0114554990.030110581
43904FBgn0023169Caenorhabditis elegansaak-21817270.4435647810.230111778
37035FBgn0026316Caenorhabditis elegansubc-181759850.3876128790.458766044
44007FBgn0029502Caenorhabditis elegansclk-11757290.6041693274.28E-05
31443FBgn0029752Caenorhabditis eleganstrx-11818630.4343623980.30278161
32864FBgn0030954Caenorhabditis elegansckr-11887740.8398284860.067135437
32864FBgn0030954Caenorhabditis elegansckr-21753410.8398284860.067135437
37141FBgn0034366Caenorhabditis elegansatg-71780050.5218779610.162316499
42358FBgn0038736Caenorhabditis elegansire-11743050.0047397532.99E-05
117332FBgn0041191Caenorhabditis elegansrheb-11763272.57E-100.002436925
42162FBgn0003499Saccharomyces cerevisiaeMSN48538030.3021405880.092952911
41311FBgn0011768Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSFA18513860.1611082820.021733851
33418FBgn0014010Saccharomyces cerevisiaeVPS218542560.3648514060.001462461
42036FBgn0015230Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHXT178558090.8788177360.470480109
42841FBgn0015795Saccharomyces cerevisiaeYPT78550120.1402490340.00372342
38565FBgn0015805Saccharomyces cerevisiaeRPD38553860.4818105470.216011826
38654FBgn0015806Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSCH98566120.6979579820.725796412
47396FBgn0021796Saccharomyces cerevisiaeTOR18535290.0114554990.030110581
47611FBgn0022160Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGUT28546510.0232002040.021014678
45706FBgn0023541Saccharomyces cerevisiaeERG58550290.0050584120.003531191
44098FBgn0024194Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGUP18527960.0001644070.004031428
31410FBgn0025679Saccharomyces cerevisiaeMSN28550530.3239272210.694183066
32768FBgn0030876Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSRX18537763.16E-050.279799695
33626FBgn0031589Saccharomyces cerevisiaeNPT18543840.0686251750.485137597
33837FBgn0031759Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGIS18516700.6559293530.163585059
34021FBgn0031912Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLAT18556530.0573764255.00E-07
37581FBgn0034744Saccharomyces cerevisiaeVPS208551010.0323238856.08E-05
38612FBgn0035600Saccharomyces cerevisiaeCYT18542310.0825186541.92E-08
38735FBgn0035704Saccharomyces cerevisiaeVPS88512610.4096958120.10467572
41071FBgn0037647Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGTR18549180.4404179040.031441517
41210FBgn0037761Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSUR48510870.1211784950.047327998
42185FBgn0038587Saccharomyces cerevisiaeMDH18537770.2018529890.005025531
53578FBgn0040309Saccharomyces cerevisiaeTSA18549800.8317414970.000946166
53581FBgn0040319Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGSH18533440.3565150360.174517354
38753FBgn0041194Saccharomyces cerevisiaeADE48553468.21E-062.59E-07
43191FBgn0042710Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHXK28526390.3679848280.002632023
42348FBgn0051216Saccharomyces cerevisiaePNC18528460.0528737790.095056643
32097FBgn0052666Saccharomyces cerevisiaePKH28540530.2045558820.408827494
42850#N/ACaenorhabditis elegansbec-1177345not in the datasetnot in the dataset
40633#N/ACaenorhabditis elegansegl-9179461not in the datasetnot in the dataset
41612#N/ACaenorhabditis eleganshif-1180359not in the datasetnot in the dataset
48552#N/ACaenorhabditis eleganssams-1181370not in the datasetnot in the dataset
41675#N/ACaenorhabditis eleganssmk-1179243not in the datasetnot in the dataset
39454#N/ACaenorhabditis elegansunc-51180311not in the datasetnot in the dataset
37733#N/ACaenorhabditis elegansvps-34172280not in the datasetnot in the dataset
31618#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeCDC25851019not in the datasetnot in the dataset
44297#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeDAP2856423not in the datasetnot in the dataset
35494#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeFET3855080not in the datasetnot in the dataset
3771854#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeHHF1852294not in the datasetnot in the dataset
42414#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeHST2856092not in the datasetnot in the dataset
326219#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeLCB4854342not in the datasetnot in the dataset
318252#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeNFU1853826not in the datasetnot in the dataset
35988#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeRPL31A851484not in the datasetnot in the dataset
42850#N/ASaccharomyces cerevisiaeVPS30855983not in the datasetnot in the dataset

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  1. Andrei S Avanesov
  2. Siming Ma
  3. Kerry A Pierce
  4. Sun Hee Yim
  5. Byung Cheon Lee
  6. Clary B Clish
  7. Vadim N Gladyshev
Age- and diet-associated metabolome remodeling characterizes the aging process driven by damage accumulation
eLife 3:e02077.