(A) Location of the Nkx2-5 enhancer in the mouse genome. (B–C) Expression patterns of the enhancer-driven GFP/RFP formed in the cardiac crescent at St. 8, compared to corresponding control vectors. …
(A–D) Expression pattern of the Isl1-en at different developmental stages. (E) The GFP pattern formed in the cardiac crescent at St. eight overlapped with the Isl1 mRNA expression pattern and its …
(A) Experimental design of the ex ovo electroporation technique. An electric field is used to introduce different plasmids into the embryo at gastrulation (St. 3), followed by EC culture and …
(A–H) Time lapse analysis of a live chick embryo expressing GFP under the control of Nkx2-5-en analyzed at different time points. A single cell (white arrow and circle) migrating from the border of …
(A–A''') A St. 7 embryo co-electroporated with the Nkx2-5-en (RFP) and Hb-en (GFP). The dashed line marks the boundaries of the cardiac crescent. Red arrows represent Nkx2-5-en+ cells in the cardiac …
(A) In situ hybridization of Tal1 mRNA at St.8 (B–B") The Hb-en is expressed in the extra-embryonic region with a similar pattern to Tal1 endogenous mRNA. Expression can also be detected in the …
(A–G) Time-lapse images taken from an embryo electroporated with Hb-en (GFP). Images span a 24 hr time frame, from St. 6 to St. 11 of the same embryo. The orange and cyan circles distinguish between …
The distribution of Hb-en+ cells in the chick embryo.
Analysis is based on six embryos from two independent experiments. The first column represents the tissues checked for Hb-en+ cells. The second column represents the percentage of embryos in which Hb-en+ cells were detected. The third column represents the percentage of double positive Hb-en+/CD45+ cells out of the total CD45+ cells.
Time-lapse images taken from an embryo electroporated with Hb-en (GFP) and Nkx2-5-en (RFP). Images span an 18 hr time frame, from St. six to St. 11 of the same embryo. Images were taken in a way …
(A–A”) A St.17 embryo sectioned at the level of the AGM and stained with novel anti Cdh5 (VE-cadherin) and CD45 antibodies delineating the endothelium and hematopoietic cells, respectively. (B–B''') …
(A) Section through a heart of a St.12–13 embryo expressing the Nkx2-5-en. Staining for Cdh5 delineates the endocardium (white arrow) which expresses the Nkx2-5-en. (B) High magnification of a …
(A) The cardiovascular network gradient. In situ hybridization of key genes involved in blood, vascular and cardiac development. (B) Semi qRT-PCR analysis of cardiovascular genes in early St. 3 (red …
(A) Super-position of the different cardiovascular factors on a single embryo based on in situ hybridization and semi qRT-PCR analysis. (B) Semi qRT-PCR analysis of cardiovascular genes in a St.8- …
(A–E) In situ hybridization for Tal1, Flk1, Ets1 and Lmo2 and Pax3 in control embryos. (A’–E’) Embryos electroporated at St.3 with a vector over-expressing Nkx2.5 (pCIG-Nkx2.5-GFP). Embryos were …
The coding sequence of chick Tal1 was cloned into an expression vector and electroporated into St.3 embryos. (A,C,E,G) Expression profile in WT control embryos. (B,D,F,H) Expression profile in Tal1 …
(A) Control St.13 WT embryo. (B) Tal1 over-expressing embryo with edema. (C) Tal1 over-expressing embryo with defected cardiac looping and size. (D) Tal1 over-expressing embryo with ectopic …
(A–D) Lineage tracing β-gal staining of Nkx2-5irescre;R26R embryos. (A) E7.5 showing β-gal staining beginning in the cardiac crescent (cc) and yolk sac (ys). (B) E8.0 showing β-gal staining in the …
(A) Lateral view of whole mount β-gal staining in an E7.0 mid-gastrula-stage Nkx2-5+/+;R26R (control) embryo. Weak background is detected sporadically across the yolk sac (ys). (A’) Lateral view of …
Co-immunostaining of E9.0 Nkx2-5irescre;ROSAYFP (A–C’’’) and Nkx2-5irescre;Z/EG (D–E’’’) embryos. (A-B’’’; D–D’’’). Cryosections of yolk sac immunostained for YFP (green) and endothelial marker …
(A) t-SNE plots were used to visualize single cells transiting through stages of mouse mesodermal development in vivo, with cell clustering and identification of subtypes based on categorizations …
(A–C) ‘Corn plots’ showing examples of the spatial domains of Nkx2-5 expression in the epiblast, ectoderm and mesoderm of mouse embryo at different stages of gastrulation (taken from published …
(A–E”) Co-immunostaining of cryo-sections from E10.5 Nkx2-5irescre; ROSAYFP (A–D) and Nkx2-5irescre;Z/EG (E–E”) embryos. (A) Section showing Nkx2-5 lineage traced cells (YFP+) in the endothelium of …
Cardiovascular progenitors begin to form at the onset of gastrulaion. These populations segregate as the cells begin to migrate in a lateral fashion towards the extraembryonic tissue. During early …
Relates to Figure 1. An embryo electroporated with the Isl1-en (GFP) plasmid at St. 3. The time-lapse video follows from St.5to St.11 when the heart tube has already formed and the embryo has begun t…
Relates to Figure 2. A St. 3 embryo was co-electroporated with the Isl1-en (RFP) and Nkx2-5-en (GFP) plasmids. The embryo was cultured overnight and time-lapse analysis started at St.6. The embryo …
Relates to Figure 4. A St.3 embryo electroporated with the Hb-en plasmid (GFP) and cultured overnight. The movie covers the development of the embryo between St.6 to St. 11–12. The BF and GFP …
Relates to Figure 4. A St.3 embryo electroporated with both the Hb-en (GFP) and Nkx2-5-en (RFP) plasmids subsequently cultured overnight. The movie covers the development of the embryo between St.6 …