(A) Schematic of the experimental strategy to deconvolute SOX18-dependent protein-protein interactions (PPIs) combining Chromatin immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry (ChIP-MS) and Amplified …
(A) Mass spectrometry spectrum for a representative double charged DDX17 peptide with the sequence KAPILIATDVASRG (Muscat ion score 51.6), identified from immunoprecipitation of cMyc-SOX18 with …
The left panel shows a matrix of protein-protein interactions between SOXF, MEF2C and RBPJ and OCT4 as measured by ALPHAScreen. The right panel shows the effects of 50 µM Sm4 on PPIs (blue = no …
(A) Schematic representation of the correlation analysis between genome-wide TF ChIP-seq data and Sm4 affected genes from transcriptomics data. The chromatin around the transcription start sites …
(A) Top motif identified from SOX18 ChIP-seq peaks (MEME software) performed in HUVECs. (B) UCSC browser view of representative ChIP-seq peaks (arrowheads) for known SOX18 target genes VCAM and PROX1…
(A) HOMER motif analysis on SOX18 ChIP-seq peaks revealed an enrichment of the c-JUN motif 5’-TGAC/GTCA-3’. (B) ALPHA-Screen binding curve for SOX18-c-JUN and SOX18-SOX18 (positive control), …
(A) Cell based reporter assay for SOX9 homodimer activity. COS-7 cell were transfected with Sox9 and Col2a1:luc reporter construct. Sox9 overexpression caused a >8 fold induction of Col2a1 …
(A) Lateral brightfield (top) and fluorescent (bottom) images of 60 hpf zebrafish larvae carrying the tg(−6.5kdrl:eGFP) SoxF reporter. Treatment was initiated at late stage (20 hpf) with either DMSO …
(A) Timeline of treatment: Zebrafish larvae were treated continuously for four days during chondrogenesis. Medium was refreshed daily throughout the experiment to maintain Sm4 levels. (B) tg(col2a1:Y…
(A) Timeline of Sm4 treatment in zebrafish larvae. Treatment for SOXF reporter gene studies was initiated at 20 hpf, while for the phenotypic studies treatment was initiated at precedes that for, to …
(A) Timeline of mouse model for breast cancer metastasis. 4T1.2 tumor was inoculated at day 0, and resected at day 12. Sm4 (25 mg/kg/day), Aspirin (25 mg/kg/day) or vehicle control (PBS), was …
4T1.2 tumor was inoculated at day 0, and surgery was performed at day 12, without resecting the tumor (n = 6). (A) Survival (n = 6) was monitored in PBS vehicle control mice and Sm4-treated mice (25 …
Brightfield images of serial vibratome sections (300 μm) from a whole 4T1.2 mammary tumor for mice treated with PBS vehicle or Sm4. Main blood vessels and haemorrhagic areas are distinctive in red.
Immunofluorescent staining for ERG and Endomucin (EMCN) on tumor sections. Two representative regions for both vehicle PBS and Sm4 are shown. Detailed blow-up shows distinct nuclear staining for …
Lymphatic vessels images of serial vibratome sections (200 μm) from a whole 4T1.2 mammary tumor for mice treated with PBS vehicle or Sm4 (25 mg/kg/day). Immunofluorescence for lymphatic specific …
Head circulation is unaffected by Sm4.
Both the dorsal aorta and intersomitic vessels (ISV) were labeled by dll4 ish probe. In presence of Sm4(1 μM) ISV show a mild decrease of signal intensity.
(A) GO term analysis (PANTHER) on top 5K SOX18 ChIP-seq peaks, reveals over-representation of biological processes, which are in agreement with known roles for SOX18 (e.g. blood vessel morphogenesis, angiogenesis, blood vessel development).
(B) Summary of sequencing statistics, listing the sample with the number of the replicate (#n). Percentage of mapped reads is consistently high across all samples (>87%). Mapping was performed with STAR aligner (Dobin et al., 2013). (C) Summary of endothelial specific TF expression levels and summary of distance from peak to TSS analysis on DE SOX18oe vs. Sm4 genes. A subtraction of SOX18, or cJUN peaks from all TF peaks was performed to reduce overlap bias (column #2 and #3). Sm4 down regulated genes are significantly closer to SOX18 and c-JUN ChIP-seq peaks.