Opposite initialization to novel cues in dopamine signaling in ventral and posterior striatum in mice

7 figures


Figure 1 with 4 supplements
Recording dopamine activity across the striatum using fiber fluorometry.

(A) Schematic of GCaMP virus injection and optic fiber implantation sites. Detailed schematic of recording setup is shown in Figure 1—figure supplement 1. Sample raw data are shown in Figure …

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
GCaMP6m recording and example traces.

(A) Schematic of recording setup using 473 nm and 561 nm lasers to deliver light, and ultimately a 500 ± 20 nm bandpass filter to collect GCaMP signal and a 600 ± 20 nm bandpass filter to collect …

Figure 1—figure supplement 2
Example recording sessions.

Examples of complete recording sessions from a VS-implanted fiber (top) and TS-implanted fiber (bottom). The signal is the raw voltage continuously measured from the pre-amplifier. Scale bars …

Figure 1—figure supplement 3
Distribution of recording fibers.

Distribution of recording fibers in VS (red), DMS (orange), DLS (blue), and TS (purple). Each coronal image represents an optical slice that is 100 µm thick, and the fibers that fall within that …

Figure 1—figure supplement 4
Midbrain dopamine axon distribution in the striatum.

The distribution of dopamine axons from anterior (left) to posterior (right) striatum. Red indicates genetically encoded tdTomato in the axons of DAT+ neurons and green indicates virally encoded …

Figure 2 with 4 supplements
Responses to novel odors in VS and TS dopamine.

Comparison of VS and TS responses to novel odors in naïve animals. (A) Average response to the first presentation of a novel odor in VS dopamine, with SE bars. (B) Average responses over the course …

Figure 2—figure supplement 1
PID measurements of odor decay rates.

(AB) An example of PID measurements from an odor with a slow rate of decay: dimethoxybenzene. Plot on the left is a single trial PID measurement after 1:10 dilution, 1:20 dilution, or 1:100 …

Figure 2—figure supplement 2
GCaMP response decay within sessions.

The average GCaMP responses to free water in VS (A, D, G), free water in TS (B, E, H), and familiar odors in TS (C, F, I) are plotted. Top row: average traces over the course of a session (~45 min) …

Figure 2—figure supplement 3
Animal body movement during trials.

Heat maps from example sessions showing the total body movement following familiar odors predicting reward (A), familiar odors predicting nothing (B), and novel odors predicting reward (C). The …

Figure 2—figure supplement 4
Latency of GCaMP responses to novel odors in TS.

The first 5 TS dopamine GCaMP responses to a novel odor were compared across 12 naïve animals. (A) A histogram of the response latencies from each of the trials. The median response latency is 140 …

Figure 3 with 1 supplement
Opposite dynamics of VS and TS dopamine during initial learning of new odor-reward associations.

Learning dynamics for VS dopamine (A) and TS dopamine (B) over the course of 3 weeks of training, as naïve animals learn an association between an odor and reward. Odor onset (CS) and water delivery …

Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Individual traces during initial learning of new odor-reward associations.

Individual animals’ responses to (A) predicted water (blue) and (B) unpredicted water (black) over the course of learning. Average among animals is shown as a slightly darker trace. Each individual …

Figure 4 with 3 supplements
Opposite dynamics of VS and TS dopamine during repeated learning of new odor-reward associations.

Responses to new cues predicting nothing (AC) or water (DF) in VS. Responses to new cues predicting nothing (GI) or water (JL) in TS. Responses to aversive air puffs are found in Figure 4—figure …

Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Opposite dynamics of VS and TS dopamine during repeated learning of new odor-puff associations.

Responses to new cues predicting air puff in VS (AC). Responses to new cues predicting air puff in TS (DF). In the panels on the left, trials are color-coded such that red indicates the first …

Figure 4—figure supplement 2
Dynamics of responses to puff-predicting odors.

A comparison of the CS responses to novel air puff predicting odors and novel odors predicting nothing in VS dopamine (left) and TS dopamine (right).

Figure 4—figure supplement 3
Novel odor discrimination latency in TS dopamine.

A quantification of the latency of discrimination between novel and familiar odors in the TS dopamine responses recorded from trained mice. (A) The average TS dopamine responses to novel (red) or …

Figure 5 with 2 supplements
Dynamics of anticipatory licking behaviors and VS and TS dopamine.

Licking in response to new odors predicting reward (A) or no outcome (B) over the course of a session, in animals that have been trained with many new odor associations, as in Figure 4 (see …

Figure 5—figure supplement 1
Comparison of licking in VS-implanted and TS-implanted animals.

(A) Licking in response to new odors predicting reward (left) or no outcome (right) in animals with an optical fiber implanted in VS. (B) Licking in response to new odors predicting reward (left) or …

Figure 5—figure supplement 2
Relationship between CS/US responses and anticipatory licking.

The relationship between VS dopamine signals (A) or TS dopamine signals (B) and anticipatory licking. The left panels are plots of CS (cue) responses and anticipatory licking. The panels on the …

Figure 6 with 2 supplements
Responses to rewarding, aversive and neutral stimuli in VS and TS dopamine.

Dopamine responses to water (A), tone (B), and air puff (C) in the ventral striatum and the posterior tail of the striatum (DF). Plots of average traces from each region contain dotted lines …

Figure 6—figure supplement 1
Behavioral quantification of tone responses.

Total body movement in response to tones of different volumes. The tone used in Figure 6 was 55 dB, for comparison. (A) An example of single-trial responses to a quiet (60 dB) tone. (B) An example …

Figure 6—figure supplement 2
Individual session data.

A heat map of the average responses from each session (from all animals) to odors predicting reward (left) or no outcome (right). The top panels are responses in VS and the bottom panels are …

Figure 7 with 2 supplements
Maps of dopamine responses in VS and TS.

The distribution of responses to novelty (A), reward (B), familiar odor predicting nothing (C), air puff (D), and reward omission (E). In the left panels, a 3D view of the average response from each …

Figure 7—figure supplement 1
Examples of light-sheet images of cleared brains used to determine fiber locations.

Example autofluorescence images used to find the position of (A) 400 µm diameter or (B) 200 µm diameter optic fiber implants after clearing with CLARITY and imaging with a light sheet microscope. …

Figure 7—figure supplement 2
Responses to rewarding and aversive stimuli in VS, DMS, DLS, and TS.

A comparison of responses to water, water predicting cues, and water omission (left panels) with responses to air puff, airpuff predicting cues, and airpuff omission (right panels), in (A) VS …


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