Structure and reconstitution of yeast Mpp6-nuclear exosome complexes reveals that Mpp6 stimulates RNA decay and recruits the Mtr4 helicase

  1. Elizabeth V Wasmuth
  2. John C Zinder
  3. Dimitrios Zattas
  4. Mom Das
  5. Christopher D Lima  Is a corresponding author
  1. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, United States
  2. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, United States
7 figures and 1 table


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
Mpp6 stimulates the nuclear RNA exosome and binds RNA.

(A) Mpp6 stimulates Rrp6 activities when degrading 5’ fluorescein-labeled 49 nt polyA in 10- (top) and 11- subunit exosomes (bottom). Relative positions of RNA substrate, Rrp6 products and the Dis3 …
Figure 1—figure supplement 1
Mpp6 is a RNA-binding protein cofactor of the nuclear RNA exosome that stimulates exosome exoribonuclease activities.

(A) Mpp6 binds various sequences of single-stranded RNA. Fluorescence polarization of Mpp6 bound to 5’ fluorescein-labeled polyA 37 nt, AU-rich 36 nt, and polyU 36 nt RNA. Results of triplicate …
Figure 2 with 1 supplement
Structure of the 12-subunit Mpp6 nuclear exosome.

(A) Global view of Exo12Dis3exo-endo-/Rrp6exo-/Mpp6Min bound to a 3’−3’ RNA. Mpp6Minimal interacts with an extended surface across the S1/KH subunit, Rrp40. View from side (left) and top (right). …
Figure 2—figure supplement 1
Rrp40 is necessary, but not sufficient for Mpp6 association with the exosome.

(A) Electron densities for Mpp6. On the left, feature enhanced map (blue mesh) contoured at 1 σ covering the Mpp6 peptide. The anomalous peak (red mesh) for selenomethionine substituted Mpp6 (I94M) …
Figure 3 with 1 supplement
Conserved features of Mpp6 interaction with the S1/KH subunit, Rrp40.

(A) Top: revised domain structure of Mpp6Minimal based on the crystal structure of Exo12Dis3exo-endo-/Rrp6exo-/Mpp6Min. Bottom: sequence alignment among S. cerevisiae Mpp6Minimal and other …
Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Conserved residues in Mpp6 interact with Rrp40.

Top: Sequence of Mpp6Minimal as shown in Main Figure 3A. Bottom: Representative RNA degradation assays of 5’ fluorescein-labeled 49 nt polyA RNA and Exo10Rrp6 with Mpp6Minimal WT and arginine …
Figure 4 with 1 supplement
Mpp6 cooperates with the Rrp6 lasso to stimulate exosome activities.

(A) Close-up view to show the C-terminal residue (Phe618) of the Rrp6 EAR (teal), the Rrp43 loop (residues 321–326 below Rrp6) and N-terminal residue (Thr9) (gray), and the N-terminal residue …
Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Stimulation by Mpp6 depends on the Rrp6 lasso.

(A) Anomalous Fourier difference map derived from crystals of Exo12Dis3exo-endo-/Rrp6exo-/Mpp6Min reconstituted with selenomethionine containing Rrp46/Rrp43. Anomalous peaks corresponding to SeMet …
Figure 5 with 1 supplement
Mpp6 and Rrp47 stimulate Rrp6 activity and contribute to Mtr4 recruitment.

(A) Both Mpp6 and Rrp47 stimulate Rrp6 activity in degradation of a single-stranded 5’ fluorescein-labeled 49 nt polyA RNA in Exo11Dis3/Rrp6. Initial rates from triplicate experiments shown, with …
Figure 5—figure supplement 1
Superposition of Exo12Dis3exo-endo-/Rrp6exo-/Mpp6Minonto Exo11Dis3exo-endo-/Rrp6exo- (PDB 5K36) and Mtr4 interactions with exosomes as analyzed by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE.

(A) Overall structures with the S1/KH ring in orange (Rrp40) and wheat (Csl4 and Rrp4), the PH-like ring in grey, Dis3 in pink or red, and Rrp6 in teal or cyan. Select subunits are labeled. (B) …
Mtr4-dependent RNA degradation requires either Mpp6 or Rrp47.

Urea-PAGE analysis of RNA decay products by indicated exosome complexes and cofactors. In reactions labeled ‘Rrp6Exo-’, Rrp6 contains a D238N mutation to render its exonuclease site catalytically …
Figure 7 with 1 supplement
Optimal cell growth depends on unique domains in Rrp6 and Mpp6.

(A) Growth analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains carrying viable combinations of Rrp6 and Mpp6 alleles. Ten-fold dilutions series of the rrp6Δ mpp6Δ strains transformed with the indicated …
Figure 7—figure supplement 1
Selection of viable yeast strains carrying different combinations of pRS415 mpp6 and pRS413 rrp6 plasmids.

(A) After transforming the rrp6 mpp6Δ + pRS426 RRP6 strain with the indicated pRS415 mpp6 and pRS413 rrp6 plasmids, single clonal yeast cells were isolated and streaked either on SD-Ura-His-Leu …


Table 1

Crystallographic data and refinement statistics.

One crystal was used. Highest resolution shell is shown in parenthesis.

Data collection
 X-ray SourceAPS GM/CA 23IDD
 Space groupP212121
 Cell dimensions
a, b, c (Å)141.1, 213.6, 225.9
  α, β, γ (°)90.0, 90.0, 90.0
 Wavelength (Å)1.0332
 Resolution (Å)44.3–3.3 (3.42–3.3) *
Rmerge0.086 (0.613)
II9.1 (1.7)
 CC1/20.997 (0.161)
 Completeness (%)97.0 (95.0)
 Redundancy3.4 (2.6)
 Wilson B factor (Å2)99.7
 Resolution (Å)44.3–3.3
 No. reflections observed341339
 No. unique reflections100440
 No. atoms29498
 Average B-factors
 R.m.s deviations
Bond lengths (Å)0.001
Bond angles (°)0.41
 Ramachandran plot
% favored93.5
% allowed6.5
% outliers0
MolProbity Score/Percentile1.72/100th

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