A new genus of horse from Pleistocene North America

  1. Peter D Heintzman  Is a corresponding author
  2. Grant D Zazula
  3. Ross DE MacPhee
  4. Eric Scott
  5. James A Cahill
  6. Brianna K McHorse
  7. Joshua D Kapp
  8. Mathias Stiller
  9. Matthew J Wooller
  10. Ludovic Orlando
  11. John Southon
  12. Duane G Froese
  13. Beth Shapiro  Is a corresponding author
  1. University of California, Santa Cruz, United States
  2. Tromsø University Museum, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
  3. Government of Yukon, Canada
  4. American Museum of Natural History, United States
  5. Cogstone Resource Management, Incorporated, United States
  6. California State University San Bernardino, United States
  7. Harvard University, United States
  8. German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research, Germany
  9. University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States
  10. Natural History Museum of Denmark, Denmark
  11. Université Paul Sabatier, Université de Toulouse, France
  12. University of California, Irvine, United States
  13. University of Alberta, Canada
8 figures, 6 tables and 4 additional files


Figure 1 with 3 supplements
Phylogeny of extant and middle-late Pleistocene equids, as inferred from the Bayesian analysis of full mitochondrial genomes.

Purple node-bars illustrate the 95% highest posterior density of node heights and are shown for nodes with >0.99 posterior probability support. The range of divergence estimates derived from our …

Figure 1—source data 1

Bayesian time tree analysis results, with support and estimated divergence times for major nodes, and the tMRCAs for Haringtonhippus, E. asinus, and E. quagga summarized.

All analyses supported topology one in Appendix 2—figure 3. HPD: highest posterior density.

Figure 1—source data 2

Statistics from the phylogenetic inference analyses of nuclear genomes using all four approaches.

(A) Read mapping statistics. (B) Relative transversion frequencies for approaches 1–3. (C) Relative private transversion frequencies for approach 4. DNA extraction 1: (Rohland et al., 2010); DNA extraction 2: (Dabney et al., 2013b); library preparation 1: (Meyer and Kircher, 2010; Heintzman et al., 2015); library preparation 2: (Meyer and Kircher, 2010; Vilstrup et al., 2013). In (C), data in length bins with fewer than 200,000 called sites are italicized.

Figure 1—source data 3

Summary of nuclear genome data from all 17 NWSL equids pooled together and analyzed using approach four.

Minimum and maximum NWSL:Equus ratios between relative frequencies are in bold, and are used for the divergence estimates in Figure 1—figure supplement 3. Total and mean values are for the four longest bins only (90–99 to 120–129 bp). Mean values equally weight each length bin. bp: base pairs.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
An example maximum likelihood (ML) phylogeny of equid mitochondrial genomes.

This topology resulted from the analysis of mtDNA data set 3 (see Appendix 1) with all partitions and Hippidion included, and dog and ceratomorphs as outgroup (not shown). Numbers above branches are …

Figure 1—figure supplement 2
A comparison of relative private transversion frequencies between the nuclear genomes of a horse, donkey, and 17 NWSL equids.

A comparison of relative private transversion frequencies between the nuclear genomes of a caballine Equus (horse, E. caballus; green), a non-caballine Equus (donkey, E. asinus; red), and 17 NWSL …

Figure 1—figure supplement 3
Calculation of divergence date estimates from nuclear genome data.

Relative branch lengths are from Figure 1—source data 3. Minimum (darker blue) and maximum (lighter blue) estimates are shown for the NWSL equid branch.

Figure 2 with 4 supplements
Morphological analysis of extant and middle-late Pleistocene equids.

(A) Crania of Haringtonhippus francisci, upper: LACM(CIT) 109/156450 from Nevada, lower: TMM 34–2518 from Texas. (B) From upper to lower, third metatarsals of: H. francisci (YG 401.268), E. lambei

Figure 2—source data 1

Measurement data for (A) equid third metatarsals, which were used in the morphometrics analysis, and (B) other NWSL equid elements.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1
The two crania assigned to H. francisci.

(A) LACM(CIT) 109/156450 from Nevada, identified through mitochondrial and nuclear palaeogenomic analysis. Upper: right side (reflected for comparison), lower: left side. (B) Part of the H. francisci

Figure 2—figure supplement 2
Comparison between the limb bones of H. francisci, E. lambei, and E. cf. scotti from Yukon.

(A) Third metatarsals from H. francisci (upper; YG 401.268), E. lambei (middle; YG 421.84), and E. cf. scotti (lower; YG 198.1). (B) Third metacarpals from H. francisci (upper; YG 404.663), E. lambei

Figure 2—figure supplement 3
An example equid metacarpal from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming.

This specimen (KU 47800; JK260) was originally referred to Equus sp., but is here identified as H. francisci on the basis of mitochondrial and nuclear genome data. We note the relative slenderness …

Figure 2—figure supplement 4
An example femur of H. francisci from Gypsum Cave, Nevada.

This specimen (LACM(CIT)109/150708; JW277/JK166) was originally identified by Weinstock et al., 2005. List of Source data files.

The geographic distribution of Haringtonhippus.

Blue circles are east Beringian localities (KL: Klondike region, Yukon Territory, Canada). Red circles are contiguous USA localities (NTC: Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, USA; GC: Gypsum Cave, Nevada, …

Appendix 1—figure 1
An overview of the nuclear genome analysis pipeline.

A first reference genome sequence (red; step 1) is divided into 150 bp pseudo-reads, tiled every 75 bp for exactly 2 × genomic coverage (step 2). These pseudo-reads are then mapped to a second …

Appendix 2—figure 1
Characterization of ancient mitochondrial DNA damage patterns from nine equid samples.

H. francisci: (A–C) JK166 (LACM(CIT) 109/150807; Nevada), (D–F) JK207 (LACM(CIT) 109/156450; Nevada), (G–I) JK260 (KU 47800; Wyoming), (J–L) PH013 (YG 130.6; Yukon), (M–O) PH047 (YG 404.663; Yukon), …

Appendix 2—figure 2
Characterization of ancient nuclear DNA damage patterns from six H. francisci samples.

(A–C) JK166 (LACM(CIT) 109/150807; Nevada), (D–F) JK260 (KU 47800; Wyoming), (G–I) PH013 (YG 130.6; Yukon), (J–L) PH036 (YG 76.2; Yukon), (M–O) MS349 (YG 130.55; Yukon), (P–R) MS439 (YG 401.387; …

Appendix 2—figure 3
Seven phylogenetic hypotheses for the four major groups of equids with sequenced mitochondrial genomes.

These major groups are Hippidion, the New World stilt-legged equids (=Haringtonhippus), non-caballine Equus (asses, zebras, and E. ovodovi) and caballine Equus (horses). (A) imbalanced and (B) …

Appendix 2—figure 4
A comparison of relative private transversion frequencies between the nuclear genomes of a caballine Equus (horse, E.

caballus; green), a non-caballine Equus (donkey, E. asinus; red), and the 17 New World-stilt legged (NWSL) equid samples (=Haringtonhippus francisci; blue), using approach three (Appendix 1), with …



Appendix 1—table 1
Selected models of molecular evolution for partitions of the first five mtDNA genome alignment data sets.

All lengths are in base pairs. Reduced length excludes the Coding3 and CR partitions. For all RAxML analyses the GTR model was implemented. *The TrN model was selected, but this cannot be …

Data setPartitionTotal length
1. White rhino outgroupLength3803380338032579152910661658311714
ModelGTR + I + GHKY + I + GGTR + I + GGTR + I + GHKY + I + GHKY*+I + G
2. Malayan tapir outgroupLength3803380338032585153010651658911721
ModelGTR + I + GHKY + I + GGTR + I + GGTR + I + GHKY + I + GHKY*+G
3. Dog + ceratomorphs outgroupsLength38033803380326151540N/A1556411761
ModelGTR + I + GHKY + I + GGTR + I + GGTR + I + GHKY + I + GN/A
4. EPALength3803380338032601153411181666211741
ModelGTR + I + GTrN + I + GGTR + I + GGTR + I + GHKY + I + GHKY + I + G
5. Equids onlyLength380238023802257115289711647611703
ModelTrN + I + GTrN + I + GGTR + GTrN + I + GHKY + IHKY + G
Appendix 1—table 2
Summary of the number and type of synapomorphic bases for each of the three examined equid genera.

A full list of these substitutions, and their position relative to the E. caballus reference mitochondrial genome (NC_001640), can be found in Appendix 1—table 2-Source data 1. *total includes a …

Appendix 1—table 2—source data 1

A compilation of all 634 putative synapomorphic sites in the mitochondrial genome for Hippidion, Haringtonhippus, and Equus (A), with a comparison to the published MS272 mitochondrial genome sequence at the 140 sites with a base state that matches one of the three genera (B).

The horse reference mtDNA has Genbank accession NC_001640.1.

Appendix 2—table 1
Topological shape and support values for the best supported trees.

These results are from the Bayesian and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of mtDNA data sets 1–3, including either the all or reduced partition sets, and with Hippidion sequences either included or …

OutgroupPartitionsHippidion?TipsAnalysis methodTopologySupport
Node ANode BHippidionNWSLNCsCaballines
White rhino
 (Data set 1)
Malayan tapir
 (Data set 2)
Dog + ceratomorphs
 (Data set 3)
Appendix 2—table 2
The a posteriori phylogenetic placement likelihood for eight ceratomorph (rhino and tapir) outgroups.

These analyses used a ML evolutionary placement algorithm, whilst varying the partition set used (all or reduced), and either including or excluding Hippidion sequences. Likelihoods >0.95 are in …

 AllTapirus terrestris (AJ428947)0.4560.3170.2050.0180.5490.3130.139
Tapirus indicus (NC023838)0.2750.1050.2250.3890.0500.9080.042
Coelodonta antiquitatis (NC012681)0.9980.2480.4510.301
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (NC012684)0.9810.0090.1550.5530.292
Rhinoceros unicornis (NC001779)0.9980.5290.3340.137
Rhinoceros sondaicus (NC012683)0.9890.0060.7320.1960.072
Ceratotherium simum (NC001808)0.4480.4990.0530.9490.0180.033
Diceros bicornis (NC012682)0.9170.0650.0180.8510.0730.076
 ReducedTapirus terrestris (AJ428947)0.4100.3910.1990.9870.012
Tapirus indicus (NC023838)0.5360.2980.1660.995
Coelodonta antiquitatis (NC012681)0.4110.5540.0351.000
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (NC012684)0.9830.0151.000
Rhinoceros unicornis (NC001779)0.9981.000
Rhinoceros sondaicus (NC012683)0.8950.1021.000
Ceratotherium simum (NC001808)0.2960.7041.000
Diceros bicornis (NC012682)0.9961.000
Appendix 2—table 3
The a posteriori phylogenetic placement likelihood for 21 published equid mitochondrial sequences.

These analyses used the ML evolutionary placement algorithm, whilst varying the partition set used (all or reduced), and either including or excluding Hippidion sequences. Sample names are given in …

Hippidion?PartitionPublished sampleSequence length (bp)LocalityPlacement
Sister to E. ovodoviSister to HippidionWithin NWSLSister to NWSLSister to Equus*Other**
IncludedAllE. ovodovi (ACAD2305)6881.000
E. ovodovi (ACAD2302)6881.000
E. ovodovi (ACAD2303)6881.000
H. devillei (ACAD3615)476N/A1.000
H. devillei (ACAD3625)543N/A1.000
H. devillei (ACAD3627)543N/A1.000
H. devillei (ACAD3628)543N/A0.999
H. devillei (ACAD3629)476N/A0.999
NWSL equid (JW125)720Klondike, YTN/A0.996
NWSL equid (JW126)720Klondike, YTN/A0.999
IncludedAllNWSL equid (EQ01)620Dry Cave, NMN/A0.7350.256
NWSL equid (EQ03)117Dry Cave, NMN/A0.0020.9740.0110.003
NWSL equid (EQ04)117Edmonton, ABN/A0.0040.7030.0140.0070.255
NWSL equid (EQ09)620Natural Trap Cave, WYN/A0.9810.014
NWSL equid (EQ13)620Natural Trap Cave, WYN/A0.992
NWSL equid (EQ16)464Dry Cave, NMN/A0.8540.138
NWSL equid (EQ22)620Natural Trap Cave, WYN/A0.999
NWSL equid (EQ30)393San Josecito Cave, MX-NLN/A0.7920.198
NWSL equid (EQ41)398Natural Trap Cave, WYN/A0.997
NWSL equid (JW328)mitogenomeMineral Hill Cave, NVN/A1.000
NWSL equid (MS272)mitogenomeKlondike, YTN/A1.000
ReducedNWSL equid (JW328)mitogenomeMineral Hill Cave, NVN/A0.996
NWSL equid (MS272)mitogenomeKlondike, YTN/A1.000
ExcludedAllE. ovodovi (ACAD2305)6881.000N/AN/A
E. ovodovi (ACAD2302)6881.000N/AN/A
E. ovodovi (ACAD2303)6881.000N/AN/A
NWSL equid (JW125)720Klondike, YTN/AN/A0.996N/A
NWSL equid (JW126)720Klondike, YTN/AN/A0.999N/A
NWSL equid (EQ01)620Dry Cave, NMN/AN/A0.7310.259N/A
NWSL equid (EQ03)117Dry Cave, NMN/AN/A0.9800.010N/A
NWSL equid (EQ04)117Edmonton, ABN/AN/A0.7210.013N/A0.252
NWSL equid (EQ09)620Natural Trap Cave, WYN/AN/A0.9870.008N/A
NWSL equid (EQ13)620Natural Trap Cave, WYN/AN/A0.993N/A
NWSL equid (EQ16)464Dry Cave, NMN/AN/A0.8440.148N/A
NWSL equid (EQ22)620Natural Trap Cave, WYN/AN/A0.999N/A
NWSL equid (EQ30)393San Josecito Cave, MX-NLN/AN/A0.7880.203N/A
NWSL equid (EQ41)398Natural Trap Cave, WYN/AN/A0.995N/A
NWSL equid (JW328)mitogenomeMineral Hill Cave, NVN/AN/A1.000N/A
NWSL equid (MS272)mitogenomeKlondike, YTN/AN/A1.000N/A
ReducedNWSL equid (JW328)mitogenomeMineral Hill Cave, NVN/AN/A0.995N/A
NWSL equid (MS272)mitogenomeKlondike, YTN/AN/A1.000N/A
Appendix 2—table 4
Sex determination analysis of 17 NWSL equids.

Chromosome ratio is the relative mapping frequency ratio between all autosomes and the X-chromosome. Males are inferred if the ratio is 0.45–0.55 and females if the ratio is 0.9–1.1.

SampleMuseum accessionChromosome ratioInferred sex
 AF037YG 402.2350.48male
 JK166LACM(CIT) 109/1508070.93female
 JK167LACM(CIT) 109/1492910.91female
 JK207LACM(CIT) 109/1564500.92female
 JK260KU 478000.95female
 JK276KU 536780.91female
 MS341YG 303.10850.50male
 MS349YG 130.550.48male
 MS439YG 401.3870.98female
 PH008YG 404.2050.90female
 PH013YG 130.60.87probable female
 PH014YG 303.3710.46male
 PH015YG 404.6620.44probable male
 PH021YG 29.1690.83probable female
 PH023YG 160.80.91female
 PH036YG 76.20.81probable female
 PH047YG 404.6630.88probable female
Appendix 2—table 4—source data 1

Data from the sex determination analyses of 17 NWSL equids, based on alignment to the horse genome (EquCab2).


Additional files

Supplementary file 1

Metadata for all samples used in the mitochondrial and nuclear genomic analyses, with the francisci holotype included for reference.

*mtDNA coverage is based on the iterative assembler or as previously published. **New mtDNA genome sequence, coverage, and radiocarbon data are reported for MS272.

Transparent reporting form
Appendix 1—table 2—source data 1

A compilation of all 634 putative synapomorphic sites in the mitochondrial genome for Hippidion, Haringtonhippus, and Equus (A), with a comparison to the published MS272 mitochondrial genome sequence at the 140 sites with a base state that matches one of the three genera (B).

The horse reference mtDNA has Genbank accession NC_001640.1.

Appendix 2—table 4—source data 1

Data from the sex determination analyses of 17 NWSL equids, based on alignment to the horse genome (EquCab2).


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